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7. Zoe meets Athena

6. The Stud's Perspective

5. Another perspective: Zoe

4. Some time and several wishes l

3. Jon Goes to the Lab

2. The History of the Stone

1. You Are What You Wish

The Unseen Hand of EnK: Athena Knows Something is Wrong

on 2010-05-27 08:57:45

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"I've had enough," Athena shook her head. "I don't want to play anymore."

"What are you talking about?" Zoe replied, "You always used to like Neko-Day. In fact, it was you who convinced me to join in, meow." She curled up her arm and cutely pawed at the air to emphasise her cat noise.

"Please. Stop. Meowing! I did no such thing, and I'm tired of pretending like I did."

Zoe's 'paws' were balled up against her hips as she frowned testily. "Sure you did! Don't you remember the Neko-Day before last?"

Athena shook her head. "I'm not joining in with this Cat Day, or whatever it's called. It's the first I've heard of it and if you think otherwise, then there's something wrong with you, not me."

Zoe scowled. Athena quickly added, emphatically, "Can't you see how messed up this is?"

"No I don't. I see you're keen to win Bitch Day though," she retorted. "When Miss Hawthorne catches you without a costume, see if I care!"

Zoe turned on her heels and stormed off, an effect only slightly lessened by the bounce of her curled tail and the constant jingling from the bell on her collar.

"Wait! I didn't..." Athena called after her friend, but she was gone. "Dammit!"

I have had enough of this, she thought. This whole school is going crazy right under everyone's noses and she's the only one who can see it.

It had all started about six months ago, when Karyn Black's breasts blew up and her hair changed from red to blond. She hadn't thought much of it at the time, but the circumstances that followed made her think again of the former redhead.

She still remembered the morning after Karyn's makeover. That morning, Athena woke up to find her own boobs had almost doubled in size overnight. It had been a mix of elation, followed by mild panic and much confusion. At first she'd thought it was the growth spurt to end all growth spurts, but then she found all her clothes had changed to fit her new chest measurement too. Biology couldn't do that, nor could science. She knew then it must be magic, real magic.

Athena gently tugged the baroque looking necklace around her neck. An heirloom from her grandma, who had been a legitimate witch or so she claimed. The necklace was said to protect the wearer from mental influences and Athena never took it off, not even to shower.

Everything since had confirmed her theory. The morning of her (first) growth spurt, every other girl in school had received the exact same upgrade. Yet Athena found that everyone but herself, thanks to her granny's necklace, was convinced nothing at all had changed. Not even her mom. Evidently someone was messing with a magic spell but Athena couldn't figure out who. Still, who could object to a little more up top? Athena counted her good fortunes and let it slide.

But that day was only the start. Over the following weeks, more changes came - usually overnight. She grew taller, her hips flared out, her bottom became plump, her boobs perked up, and her face became a more beautiful version of itself. She (and every other girl at school) had become curvy beyond their years and quite a looker.

However seedy the culprit's motives were, Athena had yet to find complaint in his or her results. The case of Gladys Brewer - who used to be teased miserable about her weight, who in this new reality was now one of the most stunningly sexy cheerleaders on the squad "“ was hard to argue against.

She sighed. If only it had ended there, but a month ago things began to change again.

It started with their clothes. Little by little, they were getting sexier "“ no, sluttier. Heels became higher and bras became pushier. Worse, Athena often found her wardrobe changing in the middle of the day. She'd go to school in a dress but come home wearing a mini-skirt.

The school's female population had become a walking gallery of exposed flesh. Maybe it was simply the arrival of the warm Summer or maybe it was another deliberate alteration, but recently many girls had taken to wearing nothing but bikinis and high heels each day. Even goth girls did it now, including Zoe.

Athena recalled what her friend had been wearing today. Aside from her stupid cat costume and usual goth accessories, Zoe had little more than a tiny PVC string bikini and some leather boyshorts, which she wore with a black fishnet chemise and thigh high leather boots. It made Athena feel downright prudish in comparison, despite the fact her own outfit "“ basically a corset and a short floofy skirt with fishnet tights and her big clunky boots "“ was only slightly more modest.

But then, that was almost as modest as Athena's wardrobe got, nowadays. The changes had left her with little choice in the matter, and any replacements she bought invariably changed for the skimpier soon enough.

Besides, since everyone else was doing it, people would notice her more if she didn't. The previous changes to her physique at least made her look good while she did.

Then the really weird stuff began to happen.

This was around the time Miss Hawthorne first appeared. This dominatrix of a woman had turned up out of the blue as the school's new principal one morning. Athena suspected she was in fact the old principal transformed, as she'd not seen Mrs Levinson since that day. Of course, everyone else believed she'd always been around, her and her stupid 'special' costume days and her unusual brand of punishment.

The cheerleader squad were suddenly the school's strippers, a state championship-winning team now led by Gladys Brewer. Then whole football team, aside from Moose and the Stud, became cheerleaders for the stripper team. Female cheerleaders at that, led by former quarterback formerly known as Biff Meadows. She was now called Biffy, or Buffy, or something silly like that.

Then Moose from the football team found out he had that bullshit fatty sex change disease, which had apparently been developing for months by anyone else's recollection. And what's more the Stud, his best friend, had turned out to be a chubby chaser. What a coincidence... not. Whoever was doing this must have had it out for Moose. He's not the only guy to swap genders, but he's the only one to have the misery of knowing its happening. That must be a clue, right there.

It was recent changes like those that worried Athena gravely. Whoever the culprit was, they definitely weren't acting in anyone else's interest. And worse, someone with so much power could probably take over the world if they wanted to. It was only be the grace of her grandma's necklace that Athena knew this hadn't happened... yet. She had to find them and stop them, while she still could.

Athena suddenly heard a loud crash, followed by a yelp and some giggles.

She looked round to find a girl lying flat on her chest... and what a chest. That was Sugartits, a vapid girl whose boobs were bigger than her head. Quite a lot bigger, actually.

That poor bimbo was clumsy as hell, she was always losing her balance. Those giant jiggling jugs made it hard for her to get around, but easier to get around in another sense. The simple-minded creature adored sex. Handjobs were like handshakes to her. She had no concept of monogamy, her own or anyone else's. As such she'd developed quite a reputation at school, simply for doing what came naturally to her. She was a slut. It wasn't her fault, Athena knew. She didn't choose to be one, it was how she was made. Sugartits "“ or Sugar, as Athena preferred to call her "“ wasn't quite smart enough to overcome her instincts, just smart enough to know she ought to. Sadly, that line of thought only got her down and drove her to comfort sex, and so the cycle renewed.

Athena made a point of trying to be Sugar's friend when most would just use her or trash her. It was just a double-edge pang of pity, not just for the girl's unenviable situation but also because Athena (and only Athena) remembered exactly who this caricature of an airhead actually was. Before she was transformed, Sugar used to be...

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