"Hmm," said Eric. "You're looking at Jon. Maybe you should do something with him again. Make him a complete girl, like Bruce?"
"Not a bad idea," said Keith, "but let's make it a little different. Instead of us doing it to him, let's see if we can make him do it himself."
"Sure," said Eric. "Go for it."
"Right! I wish that Jon wants to become my girlfriend and Eric's girlfriend too, and that to do this he's going to come over here right now and ask for the stone, use it only to transform himself, then offer us the stone to accept him."
On the screen, Jon was getting dressed, not noticing his breasts, but when Keith made the wish, Jon stopped in thought. Then he turned around and left the house without having breakfast.
Soon afterwards Jon entered the room.
"Hi, guys," he said. "I've been thinking."
"Oh?" said Eric. "About the history of the stone?"
"No, I've decided to use the stone to experience being a woman. It occurred to me that I've never done that before. I'd like you to do a favor for me."
"A favor?" said Keith, while knowing very well what Jon had in mind.
"Sure! I'll even let you have the stone as long as you want if you just do this one thing for me. I want you to let me be your girlfriend. Because if I'm going to be a woman, I want to experience womanly love! I'll do anything you want if you just let me...."
"Wow" said Eric.
"Is it a deal, Eric?" said Keith.
"S-- sure" he replied.
Keith handed the stone to Jon, who held it and said "I wish that I'd turn into two female versions of myself, one completely in love with Eric and the other in love with Keith."
Jon seemed to split into two, and each Jon's features softened, his hair lengthened and his hips widened... Soon two female versions of Jon stood there. One ran to Keith and the other to Eric, and they each planted kisses on their boyfriend's face. The one with Keith had the stone, which she handed back to him.
"I wasn't expecting that," said Keith. "But it worked out well. Now we need to get them clothes. Do you think they should have the same or different?"