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23. It's good to be home! But...

22. Got to get out of here, fast!

21. Just let this day end already!

20. Math class! Oh boy...

19. Oh, there he is!

18. Has anyone seen a goth girl?

17. W-what happened?

16. Now, what should I try today?

15. You're kidding me...

14. Time for 2nd Period!

13. E-excuse me??

12. Starting the school day!

11. Bracing for impact!

10. Jon keeps his outfit.

9. A shortening fuse.

8. Mean then Cute: 100% Tsundere

7. Even More Shirts

6. Getting Dressed

5. Laundry Room

4. Waking Up Elsewhere

100% Tsundere: From One Sister to Another

on 2019-07-11 14:35:44

1938 hits, 134 views, 2 upvotes.

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Once the girls got back home, Karyn decided to go upstairs to her room for a bit and relax.

Now's a good time to see what the deal is with Zoe... Gwen started to make her way towards her sister's room, but was distracted by something in the corner of her eye.

Were those...pigtails? But then she noticed whose room the sight came from, and it became very clear who it was. Without any malice, she yelled, "Okay May, come out of your room!" Her youngest sibling, who was previously poking her head out from behind a wall, moved out into the hallway to come into full view.

"Hi Gwen!" May exclaimed while raising her hands in the air. The smile on her face could light up a room, and it certainly did wonders to Gwen's heart. She might be the most adorable kid in the world, and I'm not just thinking that because she's my sister. The little redhead did indeed have a set of pigtails, as well as a long pink tutu, pink sandals, and a shirt that Gwen had never seen before.

"Cute shirt, May! It's very fitting. Is that new?"

She nodded enthusiastically. "Mommy got it for me. I picked it out from the closet!"

"That's cool! How was your first day of kindergarten?"

She looked away from her as she simply said, "Good."

"Good, huh? Did you make new friends?" May nodded. "Who did you meet?"

"Ms. Mabel! She's the teacher!" she said with a smile.

"Okay...anyone else?" May's smiled faltered, and she shook her head. Gwen bent down to get closer to her. "They're kids just like you, May. You don't have to be afraid of them, they want to play with you!"

May looked at her sister for a second, and then started twisting her body back and forth. "I don't need friends. I have you, and Karyn, and Zoe. And mommy!"

"And I'm very happy that I get to be friends with such a little cutie like you!" Gwen surprised her sister with a quick onslaught of tickles, making her giggle. "But, it's good to talk to people, May. I bet you have a lot in common with some of the girls."

"Cindy likes to color."

"Oh, really? And you like coloring too, right?" May nodded. "When you see her again, go ask if you can color with her."

"Mmmmmmmmmm...." May appeared to be thinking for a while. "...okay."

"Great! I know how shy you are, but you're also a really good listener, May. People love that! Use that! I bet the whole class will want to be your friend if you just try."

"Really?" she stared at Gwen with a hopeful look.

"Yeah! And like you said, you'll always have your family. Just try!"

"Okay. I love you, Gwen!" May said excitedly

Gwen gave her a big hug. "I love you too, May."

"Can we have a tea party?"

Gwen chuckled. "A little bit later, okay? I have to talk with Zoe first."

"Okay!" May made her way back to her room, and starting moving some toys around. Already setting up, I guess.

Gwen walked the few feet to finally reach her destination. She knocked on the door. "Zoe?" No response. She tried the doorknob only to find it locked. "Zoe?" she repeated louder. After a minute, she heard the door unlock. The sight in front of her couldn't register before her sister started speaking.

"Oh, hey Gwen...need something?"

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