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21. Just let this day end already!

20. Math class! Oh boy...

19. Oh, there he is!

18. Has anyone seen a goth girl?

17. W-what happened?

16. Now, what should I try today?

15. You're kidding me...

14. Time for 2nd Period!

13. E-excuse me??

12. Starting the school day!

11. Bracing for impact!

10. Jon keeps his outfit.

9. A shortening fuse.

8. Mean then Cute: 100% Tsundere

7. Even More Shirts

6. Getting Dressed

5. Laundry Room

4. Waking Up Elsewhere

3. Jon sleeps on it.

2. A wish for something interesti

100% Tsundere: Unscientific Methods

on 2019-07-09 02:41:59
Episode last modified by MorphoHex on 2019-07-09 02:43:03

2373 hits, 161 views, 5 upvotes.

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Finally, just Biology and then I can go home... Gwen thought somewhat excitedly. Until she realized they were doing a frog dissection today, and that meant the class having to get with their assigned partners.

"Sup, Gibson?"

Gwen sighed. "Hey, Biff." She didn't have many interactions with him, but it was enough to tell that he was an asshole most of the time. He was always talking about sports, making fun of guys who weren't on the team with him, and ogling other girls while Gwen did 90% of the work. I've definitely caught him staring at my ass a few times too. Is his type just 'any girl with a big butt or big boobs?'

"So, uh, I don't really have any damn clue about how to do this dissection thing. You mind helping me out again?" He pleaded while flashing Gwen a winning smile.

She rolled her eyes. "Do you ever pay attention in class? Geeze...just watch and listen to me, alright?" She began by pinning the frog's appendages and cutting open its chest. She knew it was only a matter of time before Biff got completely off track, so Gwen tried to go as quickly as possible without making mistakes. It only took about 20 minutes before every organ was on display and the teacher approved of their work.

"Wow, Gwen. You're crazy smart. I haven't been doing too well in this class, but if I had a tutor like you? There's no way I couldn't pull at least a B!" Gwen knew where this routine was headed. "How does going back to my place after school sound? I bet you could teach me a lot about Biology, and not just the frog kind..."

She was strongly considering telling him to fuck off, but decided against it. It's just one more class, one more... "Gee Biff, that sure sounds like a great offer, but I've got things to do at home. Can't be one of your conquests today. Why don't you ask Sarah instead?"

"Sarah? Listen, man, I'm all for hooking up with chicks, but that girl is a freak," Biff stated plainly. "She does whatever she wants, and sure, sometimes it gets me crazy hard-"

"Gross..." Gwen wrinkled her nose a bit while trying to block out any mental images.

"-but then she starts asking you to crossdress, and that's totally where I draw the line. I'll leave her to the other jocks, they might be into that shit. You know what? Steve might-"

Gwen had already started tuning Biff out. Alright, not much longer. What, 10 minutes? 15? I'll just pull out my textbook and start reading, maybe get ahead on the next chapter. Better than listening to HIM anyways. But before she could start, she made the mistake of tuning him back in at just the wrong time.

"So seriously, Gibson- er, Gwen- when are we gonna stop playing these games? I can tell you've got it bad for me."

"Um, what?"

"Those hips don't lie, babe. You can't tell me you sway them for everyone like you do for me when you know I'm watching."

Gwen gave Biff a death stare. I can't help having wide hips! This asshole's got such an ego...

"C'mon, let's just get out of here and find a nice, quiet place to get to know each other..." He stood up and grabbed her hand, and was quickly met with sharp pain as he noticed Gwen's shoe had made contact with his groin. He let go and fell towards the ground right after.

"Why the hell would I want to go anywhere with you when I already like someone else!? He's smarter than you. He's always treated me like a person instead of a piece of meat. He has the sweetest cat, too! A tabby named Sir Fluffball! And honestly? If you asked me to choose if I thought he or the cat was cuter? I'd have a hard time choosing! You know-" Gwen's rant halted as she realized that she not only had the attention of Biff, but the rest of the class. Which she was just now remembering included the person she was talking about.

She turned briefly to look at Jay, finding him wide-eyed and with a small blush on his cheeks. Gwen realized her heart was running a little fast.

"Whoa, Gibson," Biff backed off as he slowly made his way off the floor, "I get it, you're taken...don't need to be so extreme about it..."

Gwen felt as if time was at a momentary standstill. She had many feelings she needed to sort out, but for now she decided the best course of action would be to immediately retreat into her textbook until the bell rang.

And when the bell did eventually ring, the best thing to do would be to run back home before Jay could say anything. And then hide under my covers. And then hopefully after I wake up, everything will have solved itself!

If only it was that simple...

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