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25. A monster interrupts

24. Sandy Wakes Up

23. Use his MAP

22. Overpower him

21. It's Rex!

20. A vine grabbed me

19. Taking A Rest

18. Logout

17. The fun starts

16. Rex's Place

15. Rex's Place

14. Loss of control

13. Going "home"

12. More Details

11. The Outside World

10. from Good Luck

9. Good Luck

8. Try the MAP out

7. my MAP

6. Entering Starting Point

Sandy's Tangent

on 2007-04-22 01:57:35

1308 hits, 54 views, 0 upvotes.

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She pointed the MAP at herself again and began to make some changes to herself. However, she was interrupted as a twelve-foot cockroach suddenly leapt upon her. She had no armor to shield herself from the giant insect's bite, and screamed as its mandibles closed on her arm. Without a weapon to defend herself, she had no choice but to cast a spell. "Incendere!" she shouted, causing the monster to burst into flame.

Screaming in pain, she crawled out from underneath the smoldering husk, burnt and bleeding. The bitch will pay, she promised herself, but this was no time for revenge. She needed to return home and regroup, grab some stronger weapons, before going after her slave. "It has been done," she declared to the air.

Instantly, she felt herself flying through space, across oceans and whole continents to Vaugil's place in Epic City. "Gphm," she grunted as she arrived inside the summoning circle Vaugil normally used to call demons. He had been nice enough to let her take advantage of it to track down her wayward slave.

Vaugil looked up in surprise, his necklace of goblin bones clattering. He took out his MAP to scan her and raised an eyebrow. "Well, this is a twist," he chuckled darkly. "First you promise me a night with your sex slave if I preform an extremely expensive spell to send you to fetch said slave. Now you return with no slave, and have in fact been transformed into a girl yourself..."

"Save it," Sandy snapped, holding her arm in pain. "Just get me a healing potion and some clothes. I'll head back to my place to grab some things, and then we'll try again."

"Again?" Vaugil asked with a scowl. "So you can fail and cost me thousands of gold? I won't do you any more favors, sweety. So you better give me something real next time or forget it."

"What do you want?" Sandy growled with frustration. "The laser?"

"So you can peg me for murder? No," Vaugil said. "I want what you promised me: a night with a slave. So, I can get you a healing potion now, but the clothes will have to wait until morning..."

"Forget it," she sighed in disgust, raising her MAP. She wasn't going to spend another minute in this form. However, now that she thought about it, Vaugil really was kind of hot. Would it really be so bad if he was to have his way with her all night long?

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