Before Jon could get it, Jessica reached down and grabbed the rock. Something she said this morning came back to her..."Sometimes I wish he were normal, like me"
Jessica handled the rock thoughtfully. Jon tried to grab the rock, but Jessica saw Jon coming and put it behind her back.
"Give me that back," said Jon, putting his hands on his hips and standing in the way that Jessica always did when she wanted something.
"No way," Jessica knew that the rock had somehow turned Jon into a male version of herself, but how? "Jon, you don't dress like that."
"What are you on about?"
"I'll show you," said Jessica. She reached into her bag, and got out a photo of all Jon and Jessica's family she kept in there. There was their mother and father, and sister Zoe, and Jessica and Jon - dressed exactly the same, and with the same make up!
In shock, Jessica dropped the rock, and before she could react, Jon snatched it.
"Give me that back," screamed Jessica, unknowingly in exactly the same pose as Jon had been a minute earlier.
"No chance, sister. This rock is mine."
Jessica made a lunge for it, but Jon was too quick. "I think you need a little lesson. I wish that Jessica was not friends with Sarah and Becky, and that Sarah and Becky were my best friends. In fact, I wish they hated you."
Jon turned to Jessica's former friends. "Come on, girls, let's go shopping!" Arm in arm they walked off, giggling together. Jessica looked after them and began to cry. She had to get her own back, but how? The rock was somehow important, it had changed Jon and now Jessica. Pulling herself together, Jessica began to formulate a plan to get the rock.