On the other side of town, the unknown man who took Jon's stone entered an abandoned warehouse. It was too dark to see, but there was someone in there with him.
"Do you have it?" asked the voice in the dark.
"Of course."
Meanwhile, at the high school, Jon was sneaking into class, late.
At lunch time, he met up with Karyn.
"Where were you?"
"I overslept."
"Okay, sure."
"No, I really did."
"Okay. I believe you. I brought my stone to school. Did you bring yours?"
"Yep. It's right ..." He searched through his bag. "It's ... it's not here."
"Well, with my stone, we can find out where it is."
"Good idea."
Karyn held the stone in her hand. "I wish to know where Jon's stone is." The stone flashed and suddenly, she just KNEW. "It's in a warehouse."
"What's it doing there?"
"I wish to know why the stone is in the warehouse." The stone flashed again. "Someone took it there. A man."
Jon thought about it. A man. "There was man at my house this morning. Are you saying he took the stone? What am I gonna do about this?"
"It's okay, Jon. I'll fix it. "I wish ..."