my parents were the sort of people who'd be delighted to have a daughter like me."
Karyn's folks (William and Cynthia Helm) were puzzled by this bizarre speach, and would have said so...if they hadn't suddenly shifted and warped, becoming similar, but different, people.
Cynthia swelled suddenly, growing almost as fat as her daughter, and her nightgown became a skimpy, red negligee. Her hair went from brown, to a vibrantly artificial shade of blond, and her body language became loose and easygoing. The newly minted "Cindi Hoag" winked at he daughter, who she hoped would become a porn star just like she'd been, and drawled "Well, you been out all night, sweetie. Havin' any fun with that boy of yours?"
William Hoag's body hair grew suddenly thicker, his flat stomach swelled into a gut, and he aquired an air of...casual sleaziness as befit a producer of Pornographic movies and owner of strip clubs. He was wearing a pair of tiny, red thong underwear, and several gold chains were hanging around his neck. His gold tooth flashed when he smiled, and "Bill Hoag" leered "You better believe she did, Cindi. Ain't a boy alive that can resist our princess when she wants him."
Karyn Hoag was delighted with the change in her parents, as well as the change in her house. The whole place now had the sort of tacky, gaudy look of a Reno nightclub. She smiled, and hugged her suddenly very understanding and affectionate parents. They hugged her back, and after she went to bed, Bill patted his wifes cumbersome butt affectionatly, saying "That girl of ours is one smart cookie. Cindi. Now...what were we doing?
Cindi Hoag purred, and the two of them went back to bed.