She pulled into a gas station. Even though it was Self-Serve, a young man offered to help her, but she refused. She may look like it, but she was no helpless chick. And she didn't need some zit-faced punk trying to hit on her.
She took off for the office. Once she got there, she was about to unlock the door, when along comes Dennis' assitent, Ted.
"Excuse me?" he asked, "can I help you?"
Dennis didn't know what to say. "I'm a friend of Dennis'" she stammered, "Just dropping something off."
"You have a key?"
"Yeah, uh, he left it for me."
They went in. She made a move for the desk, and he went over to the filing cabinet. As soon as his back was turned, she stashed it in the top drawer of her desk.
"You, uh, want a drink?" he asked, timidly, "Dennis keeps a bottle around. I'm sure he won't notice."
'Bastard!' thought Dennis. "No thanks," she said, "I've just got to get back on the road."
"Suit yourself..." he said, digging out the bottle, "so what were you delivering?"
"Oh, uh, some photos," she said, indicating the briefcase she'd brought in.
"Some poor sap cheating on his wife?"
"Yeah, that's it." Ted took a swig of whiskey, "Isn't it a bit early?"
"Been working the late shift," Ted said, "I'm going to sleep in a bit."
"You know, Dennis wouldn't like you touching his liquor," Dennis said through gritted teeth.
"You gonna tell him?"
"Maybe I will," Dennis said.
"You know, you're a pretty foxy lady," Ted said, which made Dennis scowl, "you and he ever... y'know? Sneak about?"
"In a manner of speaking," Dennis chuckled a coarse, manly laugh. She made her way back toward the door.
"Well if you're not doing anything..." he started.
She interrupted, "I'm only in town for a few more hours, and I'm booked solid."
"Maybe next time?" he took another swig.
"Uh... we'll see." She grinned again. She was actually very mad at him about the Whiskey, but was pretending not to be.
Dennis got back down to her car. Now that the medallion was stowed safely away at the office, with the photos, all Dennis had to do was spend the next 9 hours and 15 minutes as a woman, not being seen or noticed in any way.
She still really needed that shower, though. And the medallion... how safe was it?