Karyn went into the other room to make a wish, and noticed Jon's stack of Playboys half hidden under his bed. She grabbed the top one off the pile, and flipped through it. She made a face in disgust, knowing what Jon used them for. She stopped when she came to the centerfold, she knew what she would wish for now.
"I wish that Jon had just become Playboy's first male centerfold model. I also wish that everyone would treat him as they would any other Playboy model."
There was a flash. Karyn giggled at the thought of all the boys at school having Jon's centerfold up in their lockers, and probably constantly hitting on him all the time. She quickly looked again at the magazine, and laughed out loud. There was Jon, posing just as girly as the model who had been in the picture just seconds ago. Even had the same make-up, and his body hair had been shaved off.
She quickly ran back to the other room to check on Jon, and was shocked at what she saw...