Susan, Sarah and Karyn were so consumed with eating that they didn't realize the box of health bars was magically replenishing itself. They had now eaten about five boxes worth between them. The man made sure that whenever the box got low, it would automatically fill to the brim once more. And the same was true for their general food supply. The pantry periodically replenished itself with bags of chips, jars of dip, boxes of cookies. And now as their weights reached truly impressive heights, he made sure they didn't even need to get up from the table.
As Sarah pushed aside an empty pasta bowl, she saw a platter of cheese burgers she didn't recall seeing before. But she only shrugged and shoved one into her mouth, then passed them to her mother and to her friend Karyn. Wait, Sarah thought as she ate, was Karyn her friend. She recalled making fun of the girl, looking down at her personality, lack of fashion sense. But that didn't matter now. After all, they had so much in common. Karyn loved to eat, and she loved to eat. She heard a rip and looked over at her mother to see the last remains of her designer top fall from her huge torso. Her breasts had freed themselves of her bra hours ago, leaving her in just her thong underwear, which was completely hidden by her ass cheeks and distended gut. She couldn't wait to be that big, Sarah thought. Her mom was truly an inspiration. Karyn was her best friend, and her mother was her hero. She smiled at the thought as she inhaled another cheeseburger and felt another tear at the hem of her skirt.
The man watched the scene unfold from the window with pleasure. Their transformations were better than he had hoped. But he knew how to make it even better.