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14. Time for 2nd Period!

13. E-excuse me??

12. Starting the school day!

11. Bracing for impact!

10. Jon keeps his outfit.

9. A shortening fuse.

8. Mean then Cute: 100% Tsundere

7. Even More Shirts

6. Getting Dressed

5. Laundry Room

4. Waking Up Elsewhere

3. Jon sleeps on it.

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

100% Tsundere: A Few Familiar Faces

on 2019-06-16 02:56:39

2692 hits, 203 views, 2 upvotes.

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The bell eventually rang, and as he got up and grabbed his backpack, he turned to notice Jay in front of him. "Hey Gwen! Sorry you had to sit next to Sarah. I wanted to save you a seat, but when I got here there weren't any empty chairs next to each other..."

Jon had multiple feelings he was currently tangling with: he was overjoyed that Jay wanted to sit with him; somewhat embarassed as he realized how low the 5'11" Jay had to angle his face to make eye contact with Jon's petite 5'2" body; annoyed that Sarah's statements made him look at Jay to see whether his eyes drifted lower; relieved that his pupils remained directly at Jon's face as he spoke.

"Love the shirt, by the way. Really screams 'Gwen Gibson'."

Jon put his hands on his hips and leaned forward. "And what's that supposed to mean?"

Jay quickly put his hands up in defense "Nothing bad! Just that I'm well acquainted with both your tsun and dere sides...I'm glad that it's mostly dere now least when you're with me..."

"D-don't think I'm giving you special treatment or anything! Idiot..." Jon looked away, the blush still visible on his cheeks.

"Well, I'll see you later during lunch, alright?" Jay waved as he started for his next class.

"Maybe, if I feel like coming to see you." Jon said jokingly as he waved back. Well, I guess it's time to get to the gym...

P.E. was a pretty easy class to deal with on a daily basis for Jon. The school stopped making it mandatory after you took at least two years of it, but he figured there was no harm in staying in shape as a Junior. It was obvious not everyone thought the same way, however, because while P.E. was twice as long as a normal class that lasted until just before lunch, the gym easily accommodated the couple dozen upperclassman that still wanted to take it alongside all other Freshman and Sophomores.

I am sooo glad I don't take P.E. in the afternoon. Eating after exercise is waaayy better than eating first. Jon considered this as he walked into the girl's locker room without a second thought.

He found himself alongside girls in various states of undress. Most of the underclassmen he didn't recognize, except for one of Zoe's friends, Athena. Among his classmates he found Tiffany Sanders tearing holes in her gym uniform and showing significantly more skin. As if the girls' uniforms weren't already indecent to begin with...

"Enjoying the show, sis?" came a familiar voice from behind him.

"Eep!" Jon yelped and turned to see a half-naked Karyn, wearing only a hefty black sports bra along with the tight uniform bottoms clinging to her thighs. She smiled at him, eyebrow raised.

"Tiffany's pretty cute, but you know that big sis gets to have a chat with her first to make sure she's good enough for you!" Karyn mentioned this while stretching her legs.

"Hey! You know I'm not into girls..." Jon huffed.

"Oh...I see the situation now. Gwen, I told you that breast envy isn't healthy!" Karyn now had her uniform top on. "It's not about being a girl with big boobs! It's about having the confidence of a girl with big boobs!"

"T-that's not it! I'm totally over that stuff now." Jon stammered as he took off his shirt.

"Uh-huh..." Karyn frowned, "I see you're still not wearing a bra, either? Here," she said while passing Jon a small pink bra, "I'm glad I always keep a few of these on hand for you."

"Alright, fine..." Jon said as he put it on with ease. Honestly though, after what Sarah did, I'm never going without one again...

His sister's grin came back. "Good girl! I'm gonna go run with some of my friends, but come over if you need anything, alright?" Karyn proceeded to ruffle her sister's hair.

"Yeah, yeah, cut it out already..." he playfully slapped her hand away and watched as Karyn left the locker room giggling.

He soon started straightening his hair in front of his locker's mirror. He was glad that his auburn hair only went down to his shoulders. No need for a scrunchie. He looked at the rest of his face. A few freckles here and there, a small nose, blue eyes. Not bad, then looking at the rest of his hairless body, I just wish I was a little curvier... Staring at his thin arms, then his flat butt, and lastly his small hands and feet. Sometimes a girl wants to be seen as more than 'just cute'...

Next he got out the uniform for gym, which consisted of a simple white cotton tee and small bottoms which could only be described as glorified underwear. They were a dark blue and made of more elastic material, but from a distance it definitely looked like a girl deciding to forego pants for the day. Taking off his jean shorts, Jon ignored the lack of a bulge in his briefs and put on the bottoms. "It's definitely an achievement for more of my legs to be showing in these." I can't believe Sarah's on the student did she convince everyone to greenlight these uniforms? Putting on the tee, his mention of Sarah reminded him of the package he was given.

"Almost everyone's left the locker room, so I guess now's a good time..." Jon took the envelope from his backpack and carefully opened it, curious but not exactly excited at whatever Sarah had ready for him...

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