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6. The Wish affects Karyn

5. Femininity Fad

4. Successful test.

3. A small test.

2. The next day after school.

1. You Are What You Wish

Making it logical

on 2011-04-22 21:54:05

1316 hits, 70 views, 0 upvotes.

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Karyn reached idly down to scratch her crotch, under her boxers and scuffed up jeans. She gave a loud belch.

"Eww" said Jon "Girls are so gross."

Karyn rubbed her hand across her buzz-cut. Her breast-bindings were chafing, but she couldn't deal with the ridicule she would have gotten from the other girls with big tits flopping around. A flat chest went along with high status among Karyn and her girlfriends. She thought about hitting the gym, lifting some weights, and then maybe cruising around looking for guys.

"Earth to Karyn" Jon was saying. "Does my butt look big in this?"

"Gotta go" said Karyn, making her way to the bathroom. She couldn't believe Jon had left the seat down again.

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