Karyn decided to be merciful, more due to the fact that she had run out of good ideas than because she pitied Samantha. "I've got nothing else for you right now," she said, "but I'm sure that I'll come up with something soon."
Samantha groaned. He hoped that she would forgive him before coming up with some new humiliation, but he was beginning to doubt it. Karyn gave him the rest of her girlier clothes, along with bras, panties and pajamas.
When he got home, his mother asked him what was going on. He mumbled something about repaying Karyn, hoping she wouldn't ask further. His mom didn't pry, which Samantha interpreted that she knew about the 'incident' in question. "And I'd like to be called 'Samantha," he finished.
"All right, dear," said his mom. "I just hope that you and Karyn are back to normal soon."
Meanwhile, Karyn was getting some new ideas.