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20. After school confrontation

19. Afternoon classes

18. Lunch time

17. Morning classes

16. Getting ready for school

15. That night

14. Jon heads home

13. Taking The Pills

12. At the Drugstore

11. Hormones

10. Jon's Cleavage II

9. Jon Needs Cleavage

8. New Tasks For Jon

7. Winning Karyn Back

6. Jon, Paint your nails

5. Jon Follows Karyn's Orders

4. Successful test.

3. A small test.

2. The next day after school.

1. You Are What You Wish

Karyn punishes Jon - Day 2, After school confrontation

on 2014-11-12 13:51:19

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Jon stared in shock at Biff who had just entered that bathroom. Biff stared back his eyes drawn down to the small breasts on Jon's chest.

"Holy shit!" Biff swore. Turning back to the still open door he yelled out it "Hey guys, get in here and check this out: this guys got tits."

Biff came fully into the bathroom making room for two of his friends from the football team to come in behind him. Jon did his best to cover his breasts while reaching for his discarded shirt.

One of the boys that had followed Biff into the bathroom grabbed Jon's shirt before he could reach it. He held it out of Jon's reach and said with an evil smile on his face "If you want your shirt back lets see the tits."

Looking at the other two Jon knew he wasn't going to get any help from either of them. He slowly lowered his arms letting them all get a good look. After a minute or so Jon asked "Can I have my shirt back now please."

"Not yet." said Biff. "First you're going to tell us why you got tits 'cause that's pretty messed up."

Jon didn't say anything. He looked down at the floor trying to decide if he should answer or try to push passed the three larger boys and make a run for it. He spotted his backpack and tried not to react to the realization that the pills were still in there.

Biff must have seen something in Jon's face and putting 2 and 2 together. He turned to the boy on his left and said "Hey Jeff, check his bag."

Jon made a mad grab for his bag at the same time he bolted for the door. He was too slow. Jeff backhanded him and sent him sprawling halfway across the room. Jeff picked up the back and dumped the contents onto the floor.

Biff kicked at the stuff with his toe a bit before spotting the package of pills. As he picked them up Jon tried to rise but with a threatening look from Jeff settled back down.

Biff read the label of the package of pills to himself and then looked at his two lackeys saying "These pills make you grow tits. Looks like he wants to be a girl. Says here it takes a month for full effect but I think we can help him along. What do you say guys?"

Without further prompting the two boys approached Jon who tried to back away but his escape was arrested by the bathroom's wall. Jeff grabbed Jon's shoulders while the other boy pinned his legs down.

Jon was momentarily confused when Biff started popping the pills from their foil package. Once they were all free Jon realized what Biff meant to do with them when he started walking over to Jon.

"Open wide sissy-boy and take your medicine." Biff taunted. He got one of his feet free and tried to kick Biff in the gut but missed. "Hey watch it! Mike keep his legs still."

Mike grabbed Jon's free leg and pulled it back under control.

Bending down near Jon's head Biff said "I told you to open your mouth."

Jon clamped his jaw as tightly as he could and shook his head 'no'. His mouth suddenly came open though when Biff punched him in the stomach. Suddenly Jon found his mouth full of pills. He nearly choked as he involuntarily swallowed dozens of the birth control pills at once. He managed to spit a few of them out but most of them had gone straight to his stomach.

The two boys holding him down let up and the three larger boys started laughing at Jon choking and coughing on the floor. Before walking out Biff turned back to Jon and kicked at him managing to land a hard blow to unprotected groin.

"Let's get out of here guys. I don't want to watch this little sissy boy crying." Biff said. With that the three left the bathroom.

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