Trish had her mind made up. If she was going to do this, she had to get herself ready now. From everything she knew, it would take a while for the changes to occur, and she figured it would be best to have a little time to get accostomed to the new body.
With reluctance and fear still in her mind, she bit her lip and finally took the medallion around her neck, laid back and held the shirt to her body. She fought herself from dropping it as the electric shock was very unsettling when it first occured.
The changes seemed slow at first. The tingle worked its way across her body, and slowly massage all of her skin. She sat up to watch herself in a full body mirror that was hanging on her closet door. Before her eyes, her hair began to shrink in lenght and volume, slowly recessing back into her skull, which was also morphing as she watched. But, for all the hair she was loosing on top of her head, she gained it back all throughout her body. She began to feel all sorts of changes, her breasts, while never large, were still much smaller now then before. Her nipples no longer had the level of sensetivity she once had. Her body began to reshape, mass going from her hips to her waist, and her arms began to bulk up. She felt her ass deflate, as her legs realigned their tone into much more pronounced muscles. Her clothing was now becoming very uncomfortable, as her feminine attire was not meant for a manly body she was slowly gaining.
As the transformation continued, she continued to hold the shirt to the medallion. The last part of the transformation centered on her vagina. She felt something growing from within it, and soon she had a pair of large testicles, followed by a very large, rigid penis, the length of which seemed enormous from her perspective. With a ripping sound in her pants, bra, thong, and pants, her transformation was complete. She was now one hundred percent man, but even more frightening for our dear Jamie, Trish now had full muscle memory of Dwayne, as well as his very highly arroused hormonal state, which was brought on at the time of the fight earlier in the day, by the site of Jamie.
Jamie was in trouble, and it was spelled T R I S H...