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14. The end of Randy-- the Politic

13. Playing with butterflies.

12. Girls of Cloud 9: Making Progr

11. Experimentation

10. Girls of Cloud 9: Lab Continue

9. And so it goes... slowly

8. Setting things in motion

7. Multiple candidates

6. Personality

5. Someone Wants Them to Notice W

4. Rejected

3. What do you mean?!?!

2. The next day at school

1. You Are What You Wish

Girls of Cloud 9: Dalia

on 2016-07-12 05:44:31

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Letting Randy talk on, Ronald mentally argued with himself for the next few minutes. Both versions of Randy had their appeal. Randy the jock felt like the safest bet, but did he really want to limit himself to "safe?" This smaller, more girly Randy seemed an interesting person as well, incredibly cute and feminine.

To make things more urgent, Ronald knew that once Randy had completely changed into a girl, this window of customization would most likely end, unless he wanted to make more wishes. Then again, this limitation made the whole thing quite exhilarating. It was a nice challenge and kept things interesting.

Ah, to hell with the old Randy, Ronald admitted, as he gave in to the rising desire in his chest. This new side is just too good to resist. Now finally honest with himself, Ronald watched as a few further touches washed over Randy's shifting form, cementing his earlier, dramatic changes. The studs grew into small hoops, framing Randy's head, framing his made up features and complimenting his short, cute haircut well. A waspish waist helped emphasize a pair of petite but proportionately curvy hips, pushing Randy's clear femininity even further.

"Oh, before I forget, I wanted to run something by you," the shifting boy said, in that cute, soft voice of his. "Obviously I have my platform and policies down, but with these new school rules we have to pick our running mate ahead of time. Something about ensuring cooperation and complimentary visions."

Ronald nodded, only half paying attention as he watched Randy's clothing undergo some drastic changes. Up till now, his t-shirt and jeans had stayed pretty much the same, only resizing to fit his new body. Now, like a dam breaking, the garments transformed quickly, gaining different colors and cuts. Randy's jeans pulled quickly up his creamy brown legs, fusing at the middle to form into a dark, professional business skirt. His shirt brightened to a pale pink color, as the neckline dipped as it grew a collar and buttons. What was more, a dark blue blazer"”a perfect match for Randy's new skirt"”seemed to materialize on his body, wrapping over his shirt and covering his newly dainty arms.

The change in wardrobe was so dramatic that Ronald hardly heard a word Randy was talking about through the changes, up until Randy concluded with, " which is why I think you would be a great candidate for the part, if you'd consider it."

Ronald paused, before his mind caught up with his ears and he realized what Randy must have been talking about. "Wait," he said. "You want me to be your Vice President."

Randy's cheeks immediately flushed. "W-well," he said, his new social poise and confidence wavering for just a moment. "As I explained, you would be ideal to really selling my vision to the whole student body. Not that I think you're just a convenient stand in to round out my ticket!" she added, hastily. This new Randy gets flustered, Ronald realized. And he's incredibly adorable when he does. "I just mean "

"It's alright," Ronald said, sparing Randy any further embarrassment. "I really like the offer. It's just a lot to take in. Maybe give me some time to think about it?"

Randy nodded, his composure returning quickly to one of comfortable, friendly confidence. "Of course," he said, sitting back in his chair. "I wouldn't want you to rush a decision like that." In his smart blazer and skirt, Randy looked every part a young professional. Though his skirt did show quite a bit of leg, Ronald noted, with some satisfaction. And that blouse underneath is buttoned down pretty low. Glancing at Randy's neckline, Ronald saw it was also beginning to fill out, pressing forward the two sides of the button downed hem. Time's almost up, thought Ronald. I need to wrap things up quickly!

A little ways off, Leonard was ignoring his own science work, as his eyes drifted over again and again to Ronald. Why couldn't he have been lucky enough to have scooped him up as a partner? Randy was already one of the most popular guys in school and the head of his class and two years off from becoming president of the world or whatever, why did he have to get the cool guys, too? Not that he could blame Randy for having good taste. Not really, anyways.

The nerd had continue to shift in spite of Ronald's inattention, his body now quite feminine in its contours. Wide hips, inward curve at the waist, plenty of weight about the chest he was still a little on the heavier side, but it was all distributed quite nicely. Not thicker, he corrected himself. Ampler. Voluptuous. Leonard frowned at thinking about that particular term for himself, then shook his head and wondered why. Reaching absently down to the desk, his hands felt around for his glasses even as he looked on to Ronald and Randy, his finger clacking a little more as the nails grew with every blind grope.

And Leonard was not the only one paying the pair of Randy and Ronald special attention, either. Near the back, Karyn was stealing glances away from her group experiments to watch the two when she could, much to the rising chagrin of her partner. "Could you at least pretend you care about your grades more than this guy?" she asked, frustration evident in her voice.

"Hrm? Oh, yeah, of course!" answered Karyn, a bit sheepishly. This really was unlike her to be so distractible. But then, though she didn't know it, there was quite a bit going on with her that was unlike her usual self. Most prominently, her clothes were changing, her sweater tightening around her wish given assets as her jeans pulled up, material changing as the legs fused together. She was also undergoing some physical changes"”her eyes turning from green to blue, her features shifting to fit a more classic standard of beauty. Had Ronald no been so preoccupied, he might have recognized a familiar face emerging from Karyn's shifting features

" which was when I said, 'You can go with the others if you want, but for the love of God, take your pants with you!'" Randy said.

Despite himself, Ronald burst out laughing before he could stop himself, earning another deep scowl from the science teacher. "Oh my god, and did he?"

"I didn't stick around to find out," Randy replied, chuckling a bit himself. "I got out of that room as soon as I could."

Ronald nearly started laughing all over again at that, and only partially from the story. He had been worried that this new version of Randy, being such an achiever and so civically minded, might be a little stiff, but if how these last few minutes were carrying on he seemed every bit as social and good natured as he had been before the changes. Maybe even more so. Randy had been changing for the better in some other ways, too. His blouse had filled out in front quite nicely"”not huge, but decent sized for Randy's tiny frame. Enough to give a curvature to his short frame. And while it was hard to tell through Randy's new skirt, Ronald thought his crotch looked to be sitting a little flatter than before. Perhaps it would be best to stop thinking of Randy as a him at all, by this point.

"Anyways, I'm going to go turn in our lab report," said Randy, gathering up the papers into a small folder. "Class is nearly done, anyhow."

"Sure thing," Ronald said, watching appreciatively at the curve in Randy's skirt when she hopped down from her seat. Seems she was not just filling in in front.

Randy stepped out across the room, shoes clicking with each step. She was wearing heeled pumps now, Ronald realized. Heels that did not even come close to disguise how short Randy had become. Before he could admire the effects they did have any further, Ronald was started when Randy turned back to him, fixing him with her hazel eyes.

"And think about my offer, would you?" she asked, a smile on her pink lips. "No pressure, but I think we could make a seriously strong team. Goodman and Chance for student body president and VP! There's a horrible pun somewhere in there, but I think that'd lose us more votes than win. Still, Ronald and Dalia has a nice ring to it, wouldn't you say?"

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