A little ways off, Leonard was ignoring his own science work, as his eyes drifted over again and again to Ronald. Why couldn't he have been lucky enough to have scooped him up as a partner? Guess that's what he got for not being all elegant and perfect like Randy. Not that he could blame Randy for having good taste. Not really, anyways.
The nerd had continue to shift in spite of Ronald's inattention, his body now quite feminine in its contours. Wide hips, inward curve at the waist, plenty of weight about the chest he was still a little on the heavier side, but it was all distributed quite nicely. Not thicker, he corrected himself. Ampler. Voluptuous. Leonard frowned at thinking about that particular term for himself, then shook his head and wondered why. Reaching absently down to the desk, his hands felt around for his glasses even as he looked on to Ronald and Randy, his finger clacking a little more as the nails grew with every blind grope.
And Leonard was not the only one paying the pair of Randy and Ronald special attention, either. Near the back, Karyn was stealing glances away from her group experiments to watch the two when she could, much to the rising chagrin of her partner. "Could you at least pretend you care about your grades more than this guy?" she asked, frustration evident in her voice.
"Hrm? Oh, yeah, of course!" answered Karyn, a bit sheepishly. This really was unlike her to be so distractible. But then, though she didn't know it, there was quite a bit going on with her that was unlike her usual self. Most prominently, her clothes were changing, her sweater tightening around her wish given assets as her jeans pulled up, material changing as the legs fused together. She was also undergoing some physical changes"”her eyes turning from green to blue, her features shifting to fit a more classic standard of beauty. Had Ronald no been so preoccupied, he might have recognized a familiar face emerging from Karyn's shifting features
"So I was thinking," said Randy, tucking a stray lock of frizz away behind one ear. The boy had continued to change, nearing full femininity now. His new bust was a bit small"”though that would make sense, for a dancer--but well-formed now. It looked as though Randy might even be wearing a push up bra to emphasize it. There had been a few other physical changes as well: his figure adjusting to its graceful, willowy proportions, balancing the fitness of the old Randy with the feminine side of the new. Ronald even thought that slight bulge in Randy's skirt was slipping away. The biggest recent change, however, was in his posture, how he carried himself. Whereas before Randy's movements had been direct, energetic, now they seemed to have a natural poise to them. A fluidity that seemed at once easy and polished.
"Did you just start?" Ronald joked.
Randy frowned at the remark, only to break out in a high giggle after. "You know what I mean!" she said"”after a titter like that, it would be impossible to think of Randy as a he. "Anyways, I need to practice for the recital in a few weeks, but a few of the numbers are duets. Everyone in my program is going to be busy this afternoon, so would you mind filling in for them?"
"Wait, you want me to dance with you?" Ronald said, hardly believing his ears.
Randy drew herself up in a huff of feigned indignation. "I'll have you know it's all very choreographed and structured," she assured. "It will hardly feel like we are dancing together at all!" Then, seeing, seeing the look on Ronald's face, she blushed and tittered again. "Okay, it might feel a little bit like we're dancing together. Is that okay with you?"
"Yeah, sure, that's totally okay with me," Ronald said, holding Randy's gaze. Then, remembering he was still in class, he added. "Though it would be also okay with me if we signed and turned in this lab report."
"Right, of course," Randy said, sliding the paper across the table and retrieving a fountain pen. She jotted down her name, then slid the paper and pen over for Ronald to sign in turn. As he went to sign, Ronald saw his partner's signature was not quite what he expected it to be. Mandy Goodman. Huh.