After a wish, Leonard covered his eyes from a bright light. When he could see again, he couldn't see Jon any longer, instead there was a card on a chair.
He picked it up, just as he wished, he saw a picture of Jon on it. He laughed to himself. It was a genuine idea to make Jon a monster card for his favourite card game: . Yet, now he was a cheap monster, without any powers and with little strenght and toughness. Then an idea came to his mind. He reached for the stone again.
Soon after he looked at the card again. He grinned, it was a good idea to add the new abbility to him. It allowed him to absorb monsters from a discard pile to gain some of their powers and abbilities, he also has the abbility to absorbs cards that Leonard willingly discards, of course it woudln't be fun if Jon gained only more power so he would also gain some physical attirbutes, clothes etc, depending on a monster he absorbs.
Yup, that was a great addition to his deck, it would allowe him to use abbilites of expensive monsters much earlier.