Jeff slid his penis in and out of Steve's pussy all the while sliding his hand slowly up toward where the rock lay forgotten by Steve on the pillow next to his head. Just as Jeff grasped the rock he felt his orgasm coming on. 'It's now or never', he thought to himself. "I wish that when I cum in him Steve will become pregnant.
"WHAT?" Steve screamed in horror as he heard what Jeff said. He tried pushing Jeff off but it was too late, he felt Jeff's cum spurting into his pussy. Faster than is possible in nature Jeff's sperm swam straight to the egg waiting for them deep in Steve's womb.
"Get off of me," Steven yelled pushing even harder against the man that had just impregnated him. Jeff rolled off of him with a post-coital contented look on his face, and an evil grin to rival the best of evil villains. "Why the fuck did you say that? Were you holding the rock? Did that wish come true? How could you have done this to me? Say SOMETHING!"