(The names in the past chapters were messed up. It started with Steve transforming, with Jeff his friend. It ended up with Jeff transformed and Jason his friend. Then Jeff->Jess and Jason->Jill. I'm going by the later names.)
Jess looked around for the other two and finally found them near the lockers. "Jill, can I please have the stone back?" she asked.
"Stone?" said Jen. "Is this, uh, a reddish rock, about this size, smooth..." She moved her fingers to an inch apart to demonstrate.
"Argh," said Jess. Jen still knew about the stone... oh, that's why. When she wished she never found it, she heard her own wish, so she kept her memory.
"That's it," said Jill. She took out the stone to show it to Jen.
Jess, not happy at all, grabbed Jill's arm. "Are you nuts? We set up this whole thing because Jon gave me a pussy. Remember?"
"Of course I remember," said Jill.
"But you're friends with that dork now."
"I just think we overdid it. And you don't have the pussy now anyway, so there's no need to complain."
"Yeah, well, I'm still half girl and you're all girl. And you're not going to give the rock to Jen, are you? What about us? We could have the rock and do lots of things with it!"
"I don't know... I just wish Jen was happy about all this."
Jess blinked. He had to look away--which meant the stone was doing something.
"Of course I'm happy," said Jen. "I'm a pretty girl now, and now that you're the ones who found the stone I don't have to worry about things going wrong with it." She walked away, smiling.
"There," said Jess. "Problem solved. So now what do we do?"