Meanwhile, at Jon's school, Jon was in the bathroom, throwing up. Again.
He awkwardly got back up, placing his hand tenderly on his gigantic stomach. The stone had interpereted his mother's wish literally. In order to allow Jon to know what it was like to be a mother, the stone had made him pregnant. While he was still considered male, he had been born with a fully functional women's reproductive system. He was currently in his seventh month of pregnancy and was looking forward to giving birth.
"I thought that morning sickness was supposed to be a first trimester thing," Jon said to Karyn.
"Usually, yes," said Karyn. "But I think I read somewhere that morning sickness can happen at any time in the pregnancy, and its worse in some women than in others."
Jon straightened out his maternity dress. He was used to wearing girl's clothing. While he and his parents had always known that he was male, despite his female genitals, he had always shown a preference for girl's clothing. Panties certainly fit better than male underwear, and he liked the way skirts showed off his butt. In addition to wearing girl's clothing, he used girl's restrooms, girl's locker rooms and was in the girl's gym class. Because of his mom's wish, everyone accepted his new form as 'normal.' He had always been one of the 'girls.' The guys teased him for having a pussy, but a lot of them also thought he was cute. He was comfortably bisexual, though he only slept with his close friends. He was pretty sure Pete, his best male friend, was the father of his baby, though Tim was a contender as well.
"Maybe you could use the stone to make it go away," said Karyn.
"Good thinking," said Jon. "Maybe afterward we can use it to get rid of our menstural cramps."
"Just make sure it gets rid of the cramps," said Karyn, "and doesn't get rid of our periods period. I do want to have children, eventually."
Jon rooted through his purse for the stone, but couldn't find it. "I must have left it at home," he said.
"Oh, well," said Karyn. "We can always do it after school." Jon nodded. After seven months of puking, a few more hours wouldn't hurt.