They were both married to other people, of course. But Karyn had the fix for that:
"I wish that when I wished that 'neither of you' had to be single moms, and it looked like I was saying this to Jon and Jon's mother, I was really saying it to their babies even though they hadn't been born yet, so there's no effect. I also wish that Jon and her mother aren't married to anyone right now.
"And I think that's it," said Karyn. "No more married life for you unless you want to do it the normal way."
"We've still got, er, problems," said Jon, who was nursing a baby at the moment. "I'm a girl, and I've got a baby son and a baby brother. Or is it a daughter and a sister? I don't even know. Karyn, can I have the stone back now, please? We all made wishes more than a half hour ago, so we can all use it normally."
"I..." said Karyn. "Why don't all three of us decide exactly what we want, before anyone wishes for anything? It's been wish after wish and every mistake just makes it worse."
"Sure," said Jon. "Maybe I can be a guy... that only failed because I was pregnant. It might work now."
"Yes," said Jane, "but...."
They discussed it a while and finally let Karyn make the wish. "I wish...."