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25. Continue training

24. A Super Wish - Implants - Jon

23. Jon overhears a conversation

22. Jon learns about his suit

21. The Next Morning

20. Debriefing

19. Supergirl Saves the Day!

18. Catching a plane

17. Setting an intercept course

16. Getting out of the building

15. No rest for the weary

14. Learning to be "stronger"

13. Learning to float

12. Super Hearing

11. The Mess Hall

10. Getting dressed

9. Alone with his new body

8. Jon's new face

7. Implants

6. A Big Decision

A Super Wish: Double Secret Identity

on 2019-05-03 23:38:48

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Jon had a family. This superhero experience was a fun diversion, but he would eventually want to suspend it and return to his old life. He wasn't about to abandon the family he had to join a bunch of strangers. Besides, he wanted to spend time as a superhero and training would be part of that.

"I would like to continue my training for the time being," he enunciated carefully in his male voice. "Making sure the implants work out--and that I can control them--is going to be very important."

Dr. Bradford looked disappointed. He tried not to feel guilty.

Mr. Jones nodded. He didn't smile, but he at least looked less pissed off. "Well, I'm glad to see that you have some sense of responsibility. Now that that's settled, please return to the training center. Miss Bradford--"


"--and I have more to discuss that does not concern you."

Jon nodded, relaxing his tensed-up muscles. He felt the corners of his mouth perk up and hurriedly tensed his mouth into a frown. He spoke carefully in his male voice, "One more thing. You might have forgotten, but I'm not a girl. I'm not a 'her' or a 'she', and I have to insist that you call me what I am."

"Jon, this isn't the time," Dr. Bradford said. She held up her hands to shush him.

Mr. Jones waved his hand to dismiss her. "Jon, you are assuming the role of Supergirl. You need to become used to how the world will perceive you. It is important that your first instinct always be to maintain the cover. Consider it a part of your training: learning to hide your secret identity."

Jon softened at the phrase 'secret identity'. That sounded like fun superhero stuff. The idea of people calling him female pronouns still felt a bit degrading, though. "I guess I could do that..." He let go of the masculine voice as he spoke, letting it return to its feminine sound.

"Good man, Jon," Mr. Jones said.

Jon felt a rush of pride. He wouldn't let Mr. Jones down. He finally let his face relax, and his mouth returned to its default smile.

Then Mr. Jones chuckled. "Or, should I say, good girl?"

Jon cringed, though his face kept smiling. With one word change, all that pride drained away from him. He just felt awkward, standing there, looking like a girl. He was already so un-masculine, and now he was even being called a girl to his face.

Well, at least it was all in service of his superhero adventure. He politely excused himself and went on his way to the training center, leaving behind that awkward encounter and hopefully bound to a more compelling destination.

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