"You can be so blonde sometimes, Karyn." J.J. said. "Only a girl can be elected Prom Queen."
What J. J. was pointing out was that three years earlier a guy had decided to run for Prom Queen. After that mistake, the school district had ruled that only a female could run for Prom Queen and only a male could run for Prom King.
"But how can you be elected Prom Queen then."
Before J.J. or Karyn could decide how J.J. could run for Prom Queen, several students rushed past them
"The second bell is about to ring." Karyn said, "We have to hurry."
J.J. and Karyn made it into class just before the second bell rang. "Almost late ladies." Mr. Jones, their teacher said. "Please take your seats."
J.J. really wanted to know if he was still a he or was now a she. Without stripping, J.J. couldn't find out, and stripping in class was never a good idea.
"Jennifer, I asked if you knew the answer to this question." Mr. Jones said, breaking into J.J.'s thoughts.
"Justin asked her to the prom." Sarah said.
"Well, Jennifer, you will have to plan your date after school, can you answer the question?"
J.J. managed to stumble through the question Mr. Jones asked.
J.J. didn't have a chance to answer the question as to whether he was a he or if she was a she.
With the start of lunch, J.J. and Karyn headed toward the Girl's Room. Just as they reached the door,