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17. Dinner time

16. Said What!?!

15. A reprive

14. The next day

13. Sleep over

12. Sleep over


10. Friends, just friends

9. J. J. and Karyn, Best Friends

8. J.J.'s live smooths out until.

7. J.J.'s first day

6. New baby sitter

5. Jon makes a wish

4. Yes, but....

3. Yet another poorly worded Moth

2. Mistakes

1. You Are What You Wish

J. J. goes to dinner as Jennifer

on 2004-02-18 18:11:58

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J. J. and Karyn sat quietly in the back seat of J. J.'s mom's car. Both were thinking.

'Why do things like this happen to me.' J. J. wondered as he hoped that he could make it thought dinner without trouble and just a bit worried that no one would notice.

'It must have been the wishing stone.' Karyn thought. 'But why am I not so upset?' She knew that she should be concerned because everyone was thinking that J. J., her best friend, was a girl. 'But is that a bad thing?' She thought to herself.

Meanwhile, in the front seat, J. J.'s mother was thinking as well. 'What is bothering Jennifer?' She wondered. 'I know she never really like dressing up in pretty clothes, but she is a pretty girl. I hope she gets over her concerns. It can't be healthy.'

The thirty minute drive to the restaurant seemed to be completed in but a blink of an eye. The three women exited the car and entered the restaurant. They waited in line for several minutes before being seated.

"Your waitress will be with you in a moment. Can I get you anything to drink?" The hostess ask as she sat them at their table and offered each a menu.

"I'll have a glass of wine, your house white will be fine. Girls?" Mrs. Jennings ordered her drink and then turn to the two girls with her.

J. J. looked at his mom, still struggling with the fact that she seemed to see him as a girl. "I'll have an iced tea, please." He finally said.

"Same for me, too, please." Karyn added.

J. J. looked over the menu, and he knew that as nervous as he was, he would barely be able to eat. He quickly ruled out his usual meal and decided on a chicken and steamed vegetable dinner with a small salad. He might feel better by the time he finished dinner and maybe he could eat some desert.

A bus boy, not much older than J. J. or Karyn came up with their ices teas. A couple of minutes later, the waitress arrived with J.J.'s mother's wine and took their orders.

When J. J. was nervous, he often was thirsty. Today was no exception. He had finished his iced tea before the waitress returned with their salads. He finished his third glass before dinner arrived.

J. J.'s nerves were not helped by his mother trying to involve the two teenagers in a conversation. Karyn sensing that her best friend was extra nervous, carried the bulk of the conversation, with J. J. adding some every-so-often.

"You didn't mention that the prom was coming so soon?" Mrs. Jennings said to J. J.

"It is still two months off." J. J. said.

"That is barely enough time to pick out a formal and get it adjusted. We will also have to make an appointment at the beauty parlor for a hair do, and to get your make-up and nails done." Mrs. Jennings explained to J. J. "Don't you agree, Karyn?" She then asked Karyn.

While Karyn knew that there wasn't much time to waste, she was new to the prom sence. She hadn't gone last year and wasn't invited this year. "Well " she started to say.

"Maybe we will go and just look at formals next weekend, Jennifer. What do you think of that idea, Honey?"

"Fine Mom." J. J. said, knowing that now wasn't the time to argue the point with his mom.

The two teenagers also told Mrs. Jennings how school was going and other things.

When Karyn mentioned that she was starting an aerobics class the next day, Mrs. Jennings thought it would be a good idea for Jennifer to attend also.

J. J. started to object, but Karyn cut him off. "That will is an excellent idea. Jennifer can come with me in the morning and we can see if there is an opening. The class was filling up fast when I signed up early the week l before last." Karyn said.

By the time dinner was about half over, J. J. was squirming in his seat. The half dozen or so Iced teas he had drank were telling he needed to make a trip to the Boy's room. Only, as he was dressed and looked, he couldn't go to the -Boy's *room.

"What is the matter, Honey?" Mrs. Jennings asked J. J.

"Ah " J. J.'s mind drew a blank for what to tell his mother.

Karyn figured out J. J.'s problem and said. "I have to* powder my nose*, come with me Jennifer." Karyn grabbed J. J.'s hand and gently pulled him after her.

"I can't use the* Boy's *room, not dressed like this." J. J. hissed at Karyn once they were out of hi mother's hearing.

"I know." Karyn said. "But as much as you were squirming, if you don't go, you will wet your panties. So we'll use the* Girl's *room."

"Wh What do you mean?" J. J. said, dropping his voice before he got the first word out. "I can't use the* Girl's *room either."

"Sure you can, Girlfriend." Karyn said. "Everyone is seeing you as a girl. Just don't stare, and remember to sit. No problems. The stalls have doors."

J. J.'s mind almost shut down, so he wasn't aware where he was until Karyn pushed him into the otherwise empty* Girl's *room.

"We are alone here, so not problem."

J. J. was less than convinced, but since he was here, and since even with his legs double crossed, he doubted that he could make the trek back to their table without wetting his panties, he entered a stall, making doubly sure the door was locked, and then lowered his nylons and panties before sitting to pee.

He barely made it in time, but had to agree that this was a good idea; not that he would tell Karyn that.

Karyn was waiting for J. J. at the mirror. "Touch up your lipstick, Jennifer." She told him as she placed a tube of lipstick back into her purse.

J. J. was sure that he didn't want to* touch up his lipstick*, but he also knew that Karyn would let him leave without doing so.

By the time the three finished dinner, J. J. stomach was no more settled. He decided against desert. His mother decided to order a slice of chocolate cheese cake and three forks. J. J. accepted two bits rather than argue with his mom. It did taste good.

"I think we should all* powder our noses*." Mrs. Jennings said. "You two go on ahead while I pay the bill."

J. J. knew that he could survive using the* Girl's room, even if he wasn't comfortable with the idea. Besides, he did have to go again. If they hurried, then he would be done before his mother entered the Girl's *room.

J. J. had barely seated himself in one of the stalls when he heard the* Girl's *room door open and several young women enter. He wasn't sure how many entered, but he guessed at least three.

In what he considered his bravest moment, he finished peeing, patted himself dry, pulled up his panties and nylons, then exited the stall and moved to the sink. Trying extra hard not to draw attention, he washed his hands and touched up his lipstick.

He had just finished closing the lipstick tube, when he heard, "That color is pretty. What color is it?"

J. J. almost jumped out of his skin.

"I am sorry that I surprised you. My name is Mary Ellen." A girl, not much older than J. J. was, was standing next to him. "What color is that lipstick?"

J. J. nearly panicked, then he turned up the tube and saw that it said, "It is Whisper Pink, by Jean Michelle." He then added, "My name is J. J."

"It looks lovely on you. May I try it? What does J. J. stand for?" The girl said.

"Sure." J. J. said. "Here." He handed her the lipstick. "J. J. is short for Jennifer Jennings."

"It looks good on me too. Thank you for letting me try you lipstick, Jennifer." Mary Ellen said. "I bet my boy friend will love kissing my lips now. Does your boy friend like kissing you when you wear this lipstick, Jennifer?"

"I, ah, I don't have a boy friend." J. J. said, not at all please with the way this discussion was going.

"Did you dump him or did he dump you?" Mary Ellen asked, then, before J. J. could answer, she added, "By the way these are my friends, Sarah, JoAnna, and Linda." She named each as she pointed to three girls who looked to be her age. "Girls, this is Jennifer."

Remembering his manners, J. J. said, "Pleased to meet each of you." Then seeing Karyn come out of the stall, he added, "This is my best friend, Karyn."

Much to J. J.'s surprise, the five of them (okay really the four of them with but a little added from him) were soon chatting away like they had known each other for years.

"We had best go girls." JoAnna said. "The guys were just about ready to be seated when we came in here. If we don't hurry, then we will have to put up with their silly jokes about how long we take in the bathroom."

The other three girls agreed and said "Men, can't live with them, don't want to live without them." Over which everyone (even J. J.) giggled.

The four girls left just as Mrs. Jennings entered. She over heard the four girls saying good-bye to Jennifer and Karyn.

"Friends Jennifer?" Mrs. Jennings asked.

"No Mom. We just met." J. J. said, stopping short of telling his mom about the lipstick.

The three made it home without anything else embarrassing happening to J. J.

"You girls had best head off to bed. Tomorrow is a school day, and you will need to get up extra early for the aerobics class." Mrs. Jennings said as they entered the house.

A bit over a half hour later, J. J., dressed in a pink sleep outfit of short shorts and a crop top, J. J. crawled into bed. His last thoughts before he fell asleep was '*Things will be better tomorrow._'

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