Kitty Pryde didn't know what was comming over her. She was finding Kurt cute, but he was a boy, and so was she... wasn't she? Things were fastly becoming fuzzy, just like Rouge just had.
"Shit." Rouge said as she felt Kurts skin. She tried to pull away as fast as she could, but it was allready too late. Kurt had shared his Mutant abilites with her, and had paid the price. He was uncounscious, and would be for quite awhile.
"Oh, No! Kurt!" Kitty said as she rushed over to him "Is he gunna be ok?" Rouge fixed her gloves around her now furry skin and shrugged.
"Ah, He'll be fine, dahlin'. But I betta head back t'the mansion and stay there till this wears off, I can't be seen like this. I'll see ya later." Rouge picked up Kurt and 'Bampf' they were gone, and now she was all alone.
"Kitty!" A voice called out "Hey Kitty!" She turned to see a familiar face. It was Scott, the Field Leader of the X-Men and by far the cutest X-man.
"Hey Scott," She giggled, a little too air head-like "wassup?"
"Kitty, you're going to be late for class, lets get a move on." He was always ordering people around, but she kinda liked it, It made him sexier. As she bounced to class with him she remembered only a few days ago, going to class with Karen, but for the life of her, she couldn't remeber who Karen was. It didn't matter, she got to sit next to Scott, and what could be better than that?