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15. David Has No Control

14. Daughter

13. Destination unknown

12. More Details

11. The Outside World

10. from Good Luck

9. Good Luck

8. Try the MAP out

7. my MAP

6. Entering Starting Point

5. Shocked

4. Enter – Epic City

3. Beginners Luck

2. Let's try this out

1. The Future of Gaming

Daddy! Daddy!

avatar on 2007-03-12 14:12:27

1315 hits, 61 views, 0 upvotes.

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"Wait a minute," Suzie said.

"I can't. Daddy is calling for me. Bye," I said to her, in the sweet little girl's voice. I had now lost complete control over my body and speech.

She reached out and grabbed me and forced me to stay. That's when I yelled out "Let go of me! Daddy! Daddy!"

A burly man that looked like he weighed at least 250 pounds entered the room. "What are you doing with my daughter?" He didn't yell it. He didn't have to.

"Daddy, she's hurting me."

Suzie let me go and I ran to the burly man, who was, apparently, my father. I hugged one of his large legs.

The burly man glared at Suzie.

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