"Ok I think I think I can fix this. I wish I had a big dick instead of the small one I had."
Jon was relieved when he felt his crotch grow warm. He watch as a penis slowly appeared. It began to grow, slowly at first, then faster. "Yes, it worked" said Jon.
But then Jon noticed something. IT WASN'T STOPPING. It was about 6 inches long and still growing, increasing speed.
"Oh, crap! Crap! Crap! CRAP!" It got to a foot long.
"God I hope it stops." It neared 2 feet.
"Shit it's not stopping." Jon said as it got to 42 inches.
Jon grasped the stone. "I wished my penis would stop growing."
Jon's fast paced member finally came to a halt.
"God this thing is long! I can barely put my hand around it. AND IT'S NOT EVEN AT ATTENTION"
Jon got out a yard stick and measured. I was about 5 feet long "Shit, this thing is as long as I am tall!"
Jon got the stone again and said "OK, I wish that someone else had this penis while I had my normal manflesh"
Jon was relieved when he got his normal dick back. But was in a lot of trouble when Karyn called him a few minutes later.
She seemed to be upset with a long growth that she just woke up with...