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9. Logical

8. Gym

7. Telling Karyn

6. I wish...

5. Panic Produces Precarious Pre-

4. Small penis no longer.

3. Out of the shower.

2. What to do...

1. You Are What You Wish


on 2006-05-28 07:13:56

824 hits, 43 views, 1 upvotes.

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"Why didn't you say so?" asked Karyn. "I figured you were pretty upset because of the death of your grandfather."

Needless to say, it made perfect sense. It was a pretty tragic event and it had happened to Jon recently. Of course Karyn would think that that's why he's upset.

"It's not that," explained Jon. "But it's related. You see, Grandpa was the one who gave me the wishing stone. It was my inheritance."

"That's absurd," replied Karyn. "Just absurd as the last one."

"Look Karyn," replied Jon. "Grandpa still died and left me the stone. The magic can't change that, because it happened far away. Which means that when I wished the stone away that still means it was sent to me... it probably just got lost in the mail. If it did I just have to wait for it. Maybe it even came in today!"

"I don't know why you're suddenly ranting," said Karyn. "You don't usually get that kind of PMS."

"I'm a guy, Karyn, all the way through. I didn't get any kind of PMS until today."

After school, Jon walked home and checked the mailbox... and the postman had left a package. He opened it up, hoping that it really was the stone... and it was. The familiar box, the familiar reddish rock and note. All that remained was to test it.

"I wish that Karyn would be teleported here and knows I'm doing it."

Karyn suddenly appeared in Jon's room, facing away from him. She was in the middle of a step and was about to walk into a wall when she yelled out and hesitated, tripping.

"Watch it!" excalimed Jon. "Don't trip. I had to do it this way as the fastest way of showing both of us that I really do have a magic stone and it really does work. Do you believe me now?"

"Uhh... I don't have any choice, do I?"

Jon smiled. "Now that that's settled, we need to figure out what to do. We could try to think of ways to solve my problem between the legs."

"Or," replied Karyn, "we could..."

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