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15. Student, Teacher Conference.

14. Back with The New Teacher.

13. Finally

12. Back in the classroom

11. Still not there yet.

10. Lonna Tran Gets Stopped By A F

9. It Hits Home

8. Need to Get to Class

7. Still Missing It

6. If the Shoe Fits

5. The Stone is Missing

4. Down on The Ground

3. Her Teacher Ms. Tran( Alt)

2. The strange stone

1. The Drafting Board

The Switching Stone: Student, Teacher Conference.

avatar on 2019-04-15 13:01:28

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Lauren closed the door to the classroom and turned to find her teacher. “Why haven’t you changed?” She asked. “I didn’t get the chance to. Mr Winters took me to see Mrs Elliott for not being in class without a good reason.” Lonna answered. Lauren couldn’t help herself from laughing. “You have only been dressed like a student for 20 minuets and you have already been to see the Assistant Principal. Told you being a student wasn’t easy, didn’t I?”

It took all Lonna’s will power not to shout at Lauren. Then she thought that is how they had got in to this mess in the first place. “Have you noticed anything strange since we spoke?” Lonna asked. “You mean like a whole classroom of students think I was their teacher? No nothing like that. What about you?” Lauren asked trying to stop herself from laughing again.

“All the teachers seem to think I am a student and no matter how hard I try to tell them different they don’t listen.” Lonna replied. “I can’t just be the clothes that we are wearing. It must be something else.” Lauren thought out loud. “Do you still have my bag with you?” said asked Lonna. “Yes. Why? Lonna answered as she reached for the bag.

“My student ID should be in it. Let me see it” She said with more authority in her voice than before. Lonna reached in too the bag and retrieved the ID card and handed it to Lauren. “Stay here” she said turning back in to the classroom. A few seconds later she returned carrying Lonna’s handbag which she had got from the back of the chair she had been sitting in.

“Look at this” she said as she handed two ID cards to Lonna. Lonna recognized them as a Student ID card and a Teacher ID card. She took both cards from Lauren and looked at them in her hands

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