"Just a minute," yelled Jon. "I don't get it," he said to Karyn. "I know I didn't wish for this... Stone, I wish I knew why people are changing sex organs even though I said no spontaneous sex changes.... Oh, crap."
"You don't have to call the stone by name, do you?" asked Karyn.
"No, I was just frustrated. Anyway, here's the deal: when I wished that some boys have girl parts, the stone took it to mean that someone with girl parts still counts as a boy. If they still count as a boy, then it isn't a sex change, so it can happen even though I said no spontaneous sex changes. I'd better fix it. I..." said Jon, as Karyn tried to stick a hand over his mouth.
"Jon, every time you make a wish, you make something worse!"
"You're exaggerating, Karyn! When I wished my clothes would fit me, it worked. Even this wish isn't that far from what I wanted. I'm going to fix this, Karyn. I wish that my 'occasionally' wish meant that a small number of boys have girl parts all the time, and that there's no sex organ changing disease."
"Hmm," said Karyn. "That's probably okay... but it doesn't get things back to normal."
"I know," said Jon. "If a couple of people have it, then none of us is considered as much of a freak as if I have it alone. And nobody will be panicking since they've had it all their life. Look!" Jon showed Karyn the list of recent calls on his phone. "Last call was yesterday. Cyrus didn't call me, and I bet Willy never called you. They probably never even had it at all."
The doorbell rang again. "Hello!" yelled someone from outside. And in the moment of distraction, Karyn grabbed the stone from Jon.
"Jon, why don't you let things be as they are for a while? Never mind everyone else panicking. You're panicking. At least wait a couple of hours, unless it's something you really must fix now."
"That's easy for you to say," replied Jon. "Your organs are normal." But he didn't try to grab the stone back.
Jon ran to the door, Karyn behind him. Jon opened it, and there were two boys there. And one still looked pregnant....