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22. Feelin' Groovy

21. Evidence

20. Pesky Details

19. Oh, I know

18. What's Up? (not)

17. Tired already?

16. And Then Again, There Are Curs

15. Transferrable

14. Unwelcome Revelations

13. A Disorienting Question

12. Yes

11. Not everyone knows about Jon

10. Well, he got what he wanted

9. A Dressing The Problem

8. The Voice...

7. Trying to Fix it...

6. All Over Again...

5. Overexposed...

4. Impulsive...

3. Better Hide That Stone...

Feelin' Groovy

on 2006-05-01 16:27:16

851 hits, 24 views, 1 upvotes.

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"Does it feel really, really different?" Gloria asked.

"Well yeah, it really does," Jeff replied uncomfortably. He wasn't at all sure about exposing his new secret. He could easily become a laughing stock. People might think he was some kind of pervert. Then again, Gloria didn't seem to think he was laughable or a pervert. She'd already guessed his secret, she knew he was different, and she seemed to like it! At the very least she was interested in him, perhaps even intrigued. And hot! Oh yeah, she was one hot chick all right. Short skirt, long, well-toned legs, tight blouse, tight waist, firm high tits, pretty face...

"Well, if you don't feel like talking about it, I guess that's OK," Gloria complained. "I'll run along and you just go back to whatever little thing you were doing..."

"No, no, I'll tell you," Jeff blurted immediately. "This is just so new for me. I don't know how to act. I don't know what people will think. I don't, uh, know... anything. But yeah, it does feel different. Really different."

"Do you mind?" Gloria asked and then, without waiting, she grabbed where Jeff's dick and balls used to be. "Wow," she uttered, then she patted the front of Jeff's new pussy, and then she worked her fingers and palm around for few moments.

"Yeah, that's different all right," Jeff squeaked even though his voice hadn't changed. "But, ah, what if somebody notices us?"

"The teacher already left for another classroom. The teacher for the next class isn't here yet. And don't worry about Hilde and Irene. They're my friends and they're interested too. So, how did you get this way? You seem to be OK with it."

Gloria, by then, had moved even closer to Jeff. She began massaging the back of his neck, then Jeff felt the soft touch of her breasts against him and the firmer press of her thighs.

"So, how does it feel now?" Gloria asked. "Do you still like girls or did that change too?"

"It feels hot, really hot, and uh, kind of, ah, mushy. Oh!" Jeff mumbled. "So I guess I still like girls. Maybe even more, in a way. Oh wow. People are starting to come in, though. I guess we better get to class, huh. Ooh. Oh! Do you want to talk some more after school?"

"I have dance line practice and Hilde and Irene need to work on their art projects. We're all going to be at Hilde's house after dinner though. You could comne over. You wanna do that? Like seven o'clock?"

"Uh, sure," Jeff gasped even though Gloria had slowed a bit.

"Hilde will give you the address," Gloria told him as she withdrew. "Oh, and if I were you, Jeff, I'd take a shower and douche. You're givin' the fish market a bad reputation."

"OK, I'll be there," Jeff stammered weakly. Now that he was cooling down a bit, he could notice the smell himself. What could he do about that, Jeff wondered as Gloria and her friends swished and sauntered away. There were showers in the gym but no private ones, and anyway he was supposed to be in Shop class, which started in two minutes! And he had no idea where to find a douche, or how to use one even if he did.

So instead, Jeff hurried back to Nurse Whette's office.

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