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18. What's Up? (not)

17. Tired already?

16. And Then Again, There Are Curs

15. Transferrable

14. Unwelcome Revelations

13. A Disorienting Question

12. Yes

11. Not everyone knows about Jon

10. Well, he got what he wanted

9. A Dressing The Problem

8. The Voice...

7. Trying to Fix it...

6. All Over Again...

5. Overexposed...

4. Impulsive...

3. Better Hide That Stone...

2. What to do...

1. You Are What You Wish

What's Up? (not)

on 2006-03-29 18:10:59

1061 hits, 44 views, 2 upvotes.

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Jeff couldn't believe how different it felt to walk, sit, stand, or do anything without the sensation of his dick and balls flopping around inside his pants, and without the sensation of his clothes rubbing against them, and with a fascinating onslaught of new sensations. It turned him on just to think about it, and that produced another onslaught of exciting sensations!

Unable to stop himself, Jeff rushed into the boys' room, commandeered a stall, dropped his pants and bent forward. He couldn't believe how odd it was not to see his familiar package down there. Instead there seemed to be nothing -- nothing but pubic hair! Inside, though, he obviously had lots of fascinating new parts. He could feel them! They begged to be touched, and inspected, and learned, and understood!

Then Jeff noticed the damp, dark stains on his underwear. Of course, he told himself, that must be from the curse! It must be from that Karyn chick's monthly period! Carefully yet excitedly he wiped the new cunt -- his new cunt -- with toilet paper. The white tissue picked up some dried and nearly dried blood, but there were no bright red signs of new blood.

Jeff realized, however, that something must still be oozing. Otherwise there wouldn't be any spotting on his underpants! Then, when he looked himself (or were those parts herself?) over again, Jeff discovered a string. Of course! The Karyn chick must have been wearing a tampon, and it had transferred over to him along with everything else!

Once again Jeff couldn't help himself. He had to know what was going on. And so, breathless with anticipation, he gently pried and extracted the bloody tampon. Oh yes, it was gross, but it was fascinating too! So this is what girls experience every month, Jeff thought. He could understood why most girls disliked it and found it a nuisance, but that didn't spoil the newness and the fascination for Jeff. Wow, I really do have girl parts, he thought. This really is what girls feel.

Jeff was lost in thought when a loud banging on the stall door got his attention. The locks on these doors aren't that good, Jeff suddenly remembered. What if the door came open? Jeff wasn't sure about coming out, if ever, but he certainly wasn't ready at that moment.

"Hurry up in there! I've been standing out here for six or seven minutes, and now class is about to start! Whadya, playing with yourself?" came an annoyed voice. Reinserting the tampon was out of the question; Jeff didn't know much about such things, but he was pretty sure that the tampon wasn't stiff enough. With no other choice, Jeff tossed it into the toilet bowl, used toilet paper to wipe his hands, flushed, and then pulled up his pants.

"You got blood on your hands there, champ," chided the door-banger. "I'd say you overdid it, eh? Or is it your special time of the month? Ha!"

Fortunately, the guy didn't have long to talk. Hurriedly he entered the stall, giving Jeff a chance to wash his hands. Wow, Jeff thought, there are even more new experiences here than I thought! But what about this period? If it's still flowing, it could start to ooze through my pants, and I wore khaki today, and it would definitely show! And there sure aren't any tampon machines here in the boys' room! I suppose that Karyn chick would have some, but she's probably pissed at me and I don't know where she is! Shit!

At that point the class bell rang and Jeff realized he had no choice. He headed for the nurse's office.

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