"You want to know if Jon is a form of Jon? Well, I think it is." After all, Jon and John would be pronounced the same way.
At about this point Lydia yelled out, "If you don't leave I'm going to call the police!"
"To do what?" replied Jeff. "It's obviously a party. You're not going to tell them a party appeared from nowhere?"
"I can tell them you crashed it."
"Why don't you just give up and say it's a party?"
"I don't want people like you at a party."
"Then why did you invite me?"
"I didn't invite you! I was playing a joke! How did you set this up anyway?"
"Come on, Lydia," said Scott. "It's a great party."
"Not you too. How did you find out about my supposed party, anyway?"
"You know, it's funny, but I can't remember...."
Then, Scott was pulled aside by....