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7. Trying to Fix it...

6. All Over Again...

5. Overexposed...

4. Impulsive...

3. Better Hide That Stone...

2. What to do...

1. You Are What You Wish

A Full Set?

on 2003-03-10 15:33:00

10080 hits, 474 views, 4 upvotes.

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I shook my head, resigned to the possibility of living life with nothing but my balls down there. My head fell into my hands as I cried openly.

"I know!" Karyn's enthusiasm was not contagious and I shook my head.

"It's no use Karyn, maybe with surgery, or something but the stone isn't the solution."

Feeling responsible Karyn wasn't so ready to give up, and really I shouldn't have let her hang on to the stone for so long, never-the-less she made another attempt at wishing back my penis.

"I wish Jon had complete set of fully functional genitalia ." her voice was firm, commanding and she was confident that such a wish would restore my manhood, oh how wrong she was.

"I told you Karyn it's no " my voice sound strange and unfamiliar, I cleared my throat and tried again, "The wishing stone can't reverse " yep definitely strange, and I felt strange too.

Looking down into my groin I saw why, and spread my legs wide open to see that not only had my balls completely vanished, but now there was this soft fuzzy mound, with a deep groove and pinkish skin, and well, it was a vagina, my vagina.

"Ooops!" Karyn. She'd done it to me again.

"I've got " my voice was higher, lighter, almost prepubescent, "I've got a pussy!"

Karyn started trembling and apologising, "Jon I.. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to Oh God Jon I'm sorry!"

In my amazement and fear I didn't really pay Karyn much more attention, I just stared into this new piece of me, I touched it around the edges to check it was real and gasped at the feeling.

"Jon perhaps you'd better take the stone." Karyn picked up the box and tried to pass me it and the stone, this shook me back to my senses.

I snapped my legs shut and grabbed the towel to cover myself, "This is just too bizarre Karyn, I mean I'm sitting here with a freaking vagina thanks to your wishing." I grabbed the stone from her and felt it's smoothness in my hand, thinking that there had to be a way back, but knowing for sure that any hasty wish making could make things a lot worse.

Karyn had learned her lesson, and decided to impart such wisdom onto me, "Perhaps we'd better not make any wishes right now until we've had some time to think."

"Gee you think?" that damn feminine voice of mine still sounded all wrong.

For a few moments we sat there in silence, I placed the stone back in it's box.

"So," Karyn spoke, "should we go to school."

I laughed, "Like this? I don't think so."

"Sure," Karyn was serious, "you won't look any different once you put some clothes on."

That much was true, other than my groin, the rest of me was unchanged.

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