Jon begins to feel the fog clear. "whats yo name girl" he hears from across the room, girl I ain't no girl....thinking hard for a moment the letters Jo form in his mind and he tries to say Jon, he wants to say Jon. "I said what's your name girl" he hears again, He looks up to see whos speaking. A tall Black man looks back.
My name is Jon he says, eventhough it sounds strange as it slips from his lips. "Dayum girl you do know you ain't no man no mo don't you"? "Jon you is now a fine PHAT Ebony Skeezer n my Bitch." I wish you would stop trippin girl n jus git down wit it"
The stone glows and Jon begins to see and feel things, new things, The Black man leads him to a mirror, "now look at yo Bad self GIRL... The emphasis on girl seemed to shake him.looking back was fine lookin dark skinned African girl. 5'7". 5'11" with the spiked heels., probably about 150 lbs with thick strong legs and a huge booty, Very full jet black jerri curled hair hung just below her shoulder. A flat nose sat above the biggest lips he had ever seen. Large arms ended with three inch long nails with a black and white stipe design on them. "Shit I got me sum Big titties Jon thinks as he feels their weight pushing against the huge bra he now wore which matched the thong now ridin in the crack of his big ass booty.
"You still think you a man now Baby" Lebron asks as he reaches around and grabs dem Big titties. "Whats yo name girl" he says again. The former white male Jon feels his nipples harden and his new pussy gettin wet, Lebron is pressing up against his booty n he feels sumpin BIG n gettin bigger. Feels sooooooo different ,but soooooo good he thinks as his mind swirls thoughts of Big Black dicks begin to fill his mind, slowly she purrs " you know my name be Jonelle Baby, why yo trippin wit dis man shit? I look like a man to you" "look at dese titties, dus a man be havin titties like dese, dis big booty ain't no mans booty. an how I have a pussy if I's a man?" " You bes get off me wit dat man shit, or you ain't never gonna stick yo BIG Black dick in me no mo. Lebron, I ain't no man. I'm a big ass Black Sista"...
" Kay Jonelle thas cool you right jus teasin girl" Lebron was amazed one fine Black skeezer named Jonelle stood where his one time best friend and white male Jon was. and he could not be happier she was all preenin in da mirror n struttin her stuff for him n she sho look fine in dat leopard print mini dress. Lebron felt his dick gettin real hard n says "Jonelle I wish you gib me a blow job right now"
Jonelle turn n sees that big dick hangin out n she wants to be suckin on it real bad gettin on her knees she grab dat black snake n start whippin it sos it be gettin hard, she wrap her mouf roun the head n start ta suckin real hard n pumpin up n down. Lebron grab da back o her head an be face fukin them Fat lips. "Dayum you one fine Skeezer hoe Jonelle" Lebron say as he blows all his hot cum into her. "I wish you cain't never go back ta bein Jon n all ya wanna do is have sex"
as the glow of the stone faded all Jonelle could think bout was suckin n fuckin Big Black dicks. she gonna like dat.
Jon's a Skeezer
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