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7. A 'Simple' Check Up

6. Keeping A Secret! For now....

5. A Monster Himself!

4. A few changes.

3. Monsters!

2. A Horrible Mistake...(Reboot)

1. You Are What You Wish

A 'Simple' Check Up

avatar on 2019-03-31 21:27:29
Episode last modified by Mr. C on 2020-04-26 20:31:48

1738 hits, 198 views, 8 upvotes.

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Several hours pass, as Jon still has zero idea where the stone was! He sighs, now is the passengers seat of his mother's car. Through the hours of searching for the stone, he lost track of time. With it being 12:50 AM, he forgot all about the doctors appointment he had today! He tried convincing his mom to let him skip it today, but he found a much sassier side to her, which intimidated him quite a bit in all honesty. So here they were, pulling into his usual doctor's office. Tho instead of it being the usual "Memorial Hospital" it was now named "Clinic For Young Monsters". Given Jon wasn't exactly a child, he did remember his mom saying she was rather old in human years, so ages must be different for everyone right? As they park, his mom smiles at him and gets out, with him following behind.

With a slight sigh, she looks down at him, as Jon notices how tall she was now! He was around the 6 foot area himself, if not taller. But his mom stood an almost 7 foot tall when she stood up straight. He breast jiggle a bit in her Yukata suggestively. "It feels like only yesterday I carried you into here for your first checkup Jon." She says with a slight chuckle, her hips swaying almost as much as her tails as she walks on the gravel below. Jon sighs, trying to temporarily ignore the stress running through his mind at the moment. "Almost thirty years come next month, and my little kit may finally gain an extra tail~" She says in a teasing sort of way, as he feels her hand caress his tail as they walk. She was a completely different person, Jon knew this very well, but he couldn't help but blush a bit. Even if she wouldn't remember this when he found the stone, they were still- wait thirty years!? "And I know little Karyn is almost an adult herself~ Sure you two bump heads from time to time but-" Jon cuts her off. "Mom! No! Stop!" She gives a giggle and releases his tail, as they approach the entrance. "All in good fun dear, relax~ It's so easy to tell when you're stressed." She says, standing in front of the door to the clinic.

Jon goes to open the door, but her arm stops him. "Thank you dear, but that is not your job." She says, before her eyes annoyingly flick back towards the door as a short little Jon wasn't sure what it was, standing at around 4' tall. Green skin covered it's baled head all the way to it's feat, as it wore nothing but a raggedy loincloth. Big yellow eyes were the only attractive part of this creatures face, as a giant crooked nose, pointy ears, and teeth of an old druggy fill the rest out. It quickly opens the door, holding in open as Jon's mother walks in, as the now confused Jon follows behind. The goblin shuts the door, before running in front of them and hitting the button to the elevator, before dropping on it's knee's and planting it's face in the ground. "I's so sorry Lady Madison! I's had to use the- oh I's so sorry!" Jon looks at his mother, who slowly crouches down a tad , tho not bending her knees as her tails thankfully cover her large backside. Without a word, she simply pats the goblin's head, before slapping it across the cheek! It whimpers a bit, before nodding and hurrying off in a room labeled 'Staff Only'. "A shame. Goblins should be mere janitors, yet they insist on having them respectable jobs." She says under her breath, but almost in a blink of an eye, she takes a breath and smiles. "Come along dear~ Let's sign you in~!" Jon nods, and without a word steps in the elevator.

With no buttons on the inside, he looks around the small space, his tail and his mother's tails making it slightly crammed as he was thankfully NOT claustrophobic. He goes to say something before an extremely low voice echos in their ears, causing their ears to flick down a tad. "WHICH FLO- OH. LADY MADISON AND YOUNG JON. IT IS MY PLEASURE, MAY I HAVE THE HONOR OF TAKING YOU TO FLOOR 3?" It asks, as his mother chuckles. "That is fine Patrick. Tho lower your voice dear, we can hear you just fine." She says smiling, as four bright green tentacles ooze out of the sides of the elevator, closing the door! "YES MADAM, FORGIVE ME. PLEASE STAY STILL, I WOULD HATE TO MAKE YOU FALL." And with that, Jon has to put a hand on his mother's shoulder to keep his balance, as loud pops, almost like suction cups echo around them, lifting the elevator up! It stops after a few seconds with a small bounce, as a smaller tentacle reaches out and ruffles Jon's hair, before shaking hands with his mother's. "FLOOR 3, I"LL BE WAITING TO TAKE YOU BACK DOWN." The voice says, as the elevator door opens. "Thank you Patrick." His mother says, as Jon nods. "Yeah, thanks." He fixes his hair and follows her out, as they exit the elevator into a familiar room.

The room was obviously a waiting room, however the chairs were now suited for royalty as Jon looks around. It was the same shape as his old clinics, tho the black and red really darkened the room as it was lit by candle light. "Sit down sweetie, I'll sign you in." Jon nods, sitting down across the room as his mother goes into a door labeled "SIGN IN" as two women walk out. Tho it was very obvious they were women!

The first was floating off of the ground at about two feet, otherwise she'd be about an even 5'5. Her D cup breast were big and perky, contained withing a pink, cropped Halter that showed her midriff and bare her shoulders. Showing massive cleavage her porcelain colored skin had a a few shiny silver piercings in her navel, as her Cleavage was far from hidden. Her long legs were covered by a pair of black short shorts, as pink 4 inch heels sat on her feet, as if they were defying gravity as well. Tho he notices through her ass length blonde hair, two horns curved out of her head, as a long tail with a heart barb at the end swishes slowly back and fourth. Finally, her smaller black wings flapped gently, as he guessed she was a demon or a Succubus of sorts. Tho as he looks at her face, they lock eyes. "Jon?" "Sarah?" They say in unison, as Sarah rolls her eyes. The woman behind her looked almost identical, but her breast had to be atleast Double D's and she was wearing a rather mature suit. Tho the black skirt teased her thighs as the top showed literally all of her cleavage, her blonde hair being put up in a bun. "Oh~? Lady Madison! What a pleasant surprise." the woman says as she hugs his mom, as they begin to chat. \

Meanwhile, Sarah floats over to Jon, checking her nails with a sigh. "You're here to loser? Gawd this is gonna blow..." She mutters, her voice higher than usual. Jon sighs, even while a monster she was still a bitch. "Hey Sarah, can you not today? I'm not-" He's cut off as her finger shushes his lips. "Listen here fox boy, you're lucky my mom and yours have the same ranking, or you'd like, be my little play-thing right now." She says in a sexy manner, yet ferocious as her eyes slightly glow pink. "A shame a beautiful tailed monster like yourself is like, a total fucking dork." She pushes his face away, floating above the chair behind him. "So are you here for the exam? Or are you like, sick or something?" She asks, obviously just trying to buy some time until their mothers were done talking.

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