"You know, something's bothering me," said Jon. "You tricked me, I know it!"
"What?" said Emily innocently. "Don't distract me, I'm trying to drive."
"I feel funny," said Jon. "My underwear is wrong... it feels like the wrong shape, and when I move around it doesn't rub as it's supposed to. I know something's missing."
"Really?" said Karyn.
"Yes, I can tell! It's not as if it's impossible to notice when you have missing body parts!"
Karyn giggled. "It's not impossible to notice, no. But it did take you around ten minutes."
"All right," said Jon. "'fess up. How did you do it? I still have my pants on. You changed me under my pants without changing my pants!"
"It was a guess," said Karyn. We found out that the picture only extrapolates only so far, right? Well, I figured that if it doesn't extrapolate far enough to get to the bottom of your pants, it can't make your pants disappear. Same for your shirt."
"In other words, if you show me a closeup of a model's breasts with a bra, the bra will appear under my shirt, but if it's not a closeup, it'll replace my shirt?"
"Right! Hee hee."
"Fine," said Jon. "Now that we figured out how you did it, mind undoing it?"
"Undoing? Jon, you wished I couldn't show you any more pictures, and the picture I took of you is after-transformation anyway."
"I can get the rock and wish that I can show myself pictures, then use Emily's picture or the tux one."
"You have to go home for that," said Emily. "And we're just about at the mall. You know, it would be really annoying to turn around and go back to your place just so that you can get your rock again. I bet traffic will be really heavy going back."
"You're just stalling," said Jon.
"Of course we're stalling," replied Karyn. "What's the point of changing you if the change isn't going to stick around for a while? We're going to the mall to shop, and I'm curious how this'll work out. I'm sure it'll be fine. But," she added, "I do like the way you walk now. Nice hips, nice waist, nice behind."
Emily drove into the mall, at the entrance near the JC Penney. "Here we are!" she exclaimed. "Let's go shopping! You did wish for some money, right?"
"Uh, yeah, when I put the rock in my room I wished I'd have a lot of money and that nobody would think it's strange. But now it's not the money I'm worried about."
Emily parked and they all got out. Jon considered going back, but it was a rather long walk. He didn't have much choice but to go around like this, it seemed.