"No, please..." said Karyn. "I don't... wait a minute. How did you do that?"
"Make a wish?" replied Emily. "I told you I have the stone."
"No, not that. How did you get Jon to put on the pair of panties? All the picture does is change Jon's body. It doesn't make him want to do things that he wouldn't want to do before."
"Oh, I just waited until he picked up the panties and I could see them in his hands in the picture. By the time he had put the panties down I had an image and I was able to Photoshop them onto him. He never actually put them on, so he didn't notice having them on."
"That sounds awfully complicated," replied Karyn. "Why don't you just wish that Jon finds his body natural? That way, since you've given him female hips and an ass, he'll just naturally put on the panties without even thinking about it."
"Hmm," replied Emily. "That sounds like a good idea. Okay, I wish that however I change Jon with this picture, Jon will act as if his new body is completely normal until he stops to think about it or someone tells him. I wish that even then, he'll know he's changed but he'll like being that way and will still act as if it's natural."
"There you go!" said Karyn. "Now, are you going to change him again, or should I just see how he acts with a female ass, legs, and feet?"