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4. Where's the stone?

3. I Said Freeze!

2. Identity crisis

1. You Are What You Wish

Back to stupid

on 2016-04-09 02:03:22

1162 hits, 20 views, 1 upvotes.

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As John awkwardly tried to free himself from this crazy girl's grasp, he suddenly realised that he was no longer holding onto the box the stone was in. He pushed Liz off him, to see she held the stone in her palm.

"Now I know what you're thinking, but please give the stone back to me, and we can settle this like adults." John said trying to ensure his continued if not false existence. Liz was practically crying at this point. "I'm sorry but I want my friend back"

Jon lunged toward her attempting to swat the rock out of her hand, but she pulled back in time. Before he had any time to react, she said "I wish...

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