As she modeled the dress for Jennifer, Jennifer said, "I knew it would look good on you, I wish we could wear cute clothes like that to school. I hate "
Suddenly Jennifer stopped talking and looked at the wishing rock in his hand. "That wasn't what I meant." He said as tears began to form. "I don't like having to wear a white shirt and the dorky tie, I didn't mean that I wanted to be able to wear a dress to school."
By now tears were rolling down his cheeks. Karyn comforted her friend. "It won't be that bad. We can take care of it." She said.
"But you can't undo a wish." Jennifer sobbed. "Now I am stuck wearing dresses to school. I don't want to be a " She got no further before his sobs overcame him.
"We will come up with a plan." Karyn promised her friend.
Over ten minutes later Jennifer's tears slowed enough that he could talk again.
"How are we going to fix this?" He asked.
"I have an idea." Karyn said. "What if