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21. Dress like that more often

20. Shane talks to Jon's mohter

19. Jennifer eats dinner

18. Jennifer gets dressed

17. Out front

16. in the back room

15. Jon calls home

14. Jon fits in better

13. Shane wonders how Jon could fi

12. Jon fit in

11. Karyn talks to Jon's mother

10. Karyn is surprised

9. Jon's new voice

8. Casey gets a job

7. Jon takes the Job

6. Be nice Jon

5. Casey gets a second wish

4. Casey gets a wish

3. Back at the Mall

2. Mom Finds the Stone

Dress nice like that more often

on 2005-02-11 20:20:39

2375 hits, 127 views, 2 upvotes.

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"Jon looks cute dressed like that." Janet said, "I wish he would dress nice like that more often."

Turning back to Shane, Janet said, "You wanted to talk to me about Jon?"

Shane was a bit stunned by what had just happened. Janet had acted like it was normal for Jon to wander around the house dressed as a girl. She had even wished that her son would dress more often as a girl.

'I guess that Jon has been dressing as a girl for some time.' Shane concluded to herself. 'Okay, let's try a different approach.'

"Janet, Jon is doing a good job at the beauty shop, but many of my customers are a bit nervous about a boy working there."

"I was worried about that, too." Janet said, "I really wish he could fit in better there. I guess you are going to tell me you have to let him go."

"No. That wasn't what I was thinking. It is just that when Jon is Jennifer "

"Jennifer?" Janet asked. "Who is Jennifer?"

"I had asked Jon to try to fit in better in the shop and he acted like a girl. We called that girl Jennifer."

"I guess that Jon did look more like a Jennifer than as a Jon, didn't she." Janet said. "Is that what you wanted to talk to me about, having Jon work for you as Jennifer?"

"Yes. Jennifer is doing a good job and she is learning quickly. I could do without her, but she is helping a lot."

"I don't know." Janet said. "I don't want Jon hurt. There are far too many narrow minded people out there who would consider Jon as a pervert and hurt him for that."

"When Jon is dressed as Jennifer, she looks and acts just like a normal girl her age." Shane said. "I can't see anyone seeing her as anything but a girl."

"I am not sure, but I suppose I should see what Jon wants." Janet said. Then calling out, she said, "Jon? Are you still awake?"

"Yes Mother." Jon shouted from his bedroom. "I am getting changed for bed."

"Well, toss on a robe or something and come on down here. I have something important to ask you."

"Be right down Mother." Jon said.

Jon had managed to remove the skirt, shoes, and tank top as his mother called him. Jon grabbed the old ratty robe he occasionally wore and headed to the kitchen.

As Jon entered the kitchen both of the women there thought how much like a girl wearing her brother's robe Jon looked.

"Jon," his mother began, "Miss Shane wants you to continue to work for her, but you need to do so as a girl. Are you willing to work for her as Jennifer?"

Jon had a strong desire to say no, but instead he said, "I like working for Miss Shane. I don't mind working as a girl if it helps Miss Shane's customers."

"You aren't worried about anyone finding out?" His mother asked.

"Maybe a little, but I think I am old enough to get a job, and this is a good job. I do enjoy working for Miss Shane."

"If you are sure, then I guess I'll let you." Janet said, before adding, "However, if anything bad happens, I will probably change my mind. Now head off to bed."

"Thanks Mom." Jon said, giving his mother a girlish hug before heading off to bed.

After Jon had left the room, Janet turned to Shane and said, "I worry about whether or not I am doing a good job raising Jon. I don't think I have provided him a good male role model."

"You have done a good job. She is happy, what more could a parent want for her child?"

"I guess you are right, still I worry." Janet set down the rock she was holding.

"It is getting late." Shane said, "I had best be heading home as well.'

Janet walked Shane to the door. "Thank you for helping with Jon. I worry about him."

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