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21. Spending the night

20. Wishing Jon was human again

19. Fucked as a pussy

18. Karyn washes Jon, the vagina

17. Karyn takes a bath with Jon

16. Karyn wishes you were her puss

15. Next steps

14. The cliche actual sex scene

13. Karyn's roommate comes home

12. The cliche oral sex scene

11. Going to Karyn's

10. Will out

9. Talking with Karyn

8. Your first time

7. Taking it further

6. Now what?

5. Showering off

4. On the bus

3. What's it like to be a pussy?

2. Jon's (perverted) fantasies

Spending the night

on 2019-03-17 21:01:04

5096 hits, 235 views, 5 upvotes.

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After a quick tumble through the void, you find yourself flung onto Karyn's bed, stark naked. Sitting up, you give your limbs an exploratory stretch.
Karyn is staring at you and blushing like crazy.
"So you were really my pussy." She says.
"Yep." You reply.
Karyn is silent for a moment.
"And you liked it?"
"I loved it." You tell her, pulling her into a hug. "Thank you."
"You're very welcome, I had a lot of fun too." She says. Getting up from the bed, Karyn walks to her bedroom door. "We still have a lot to talk about, I'll be right back."
The rock sits on her bedside table, and you pick it up. Running your thumb along it's cold smoothness, you make your way over to Karyn's window. You pull it open, and chilly autumn air starts pouring in. Your boxers lie crumpled on the floor by Karyn's bed, and there's a large wet stain on them. Picking them up, you say
"I wish these were clean."
And after looking away for a moment, you find yourself holding a pair of perfectly fresh underpants.
You pull them on and climb into Karyn's bed. Before long, her door opens again, and you're treated to the sight of Karyn's beautiful body as she leans against the door frame.
"Making yourself at home?" She asks, head cocked.
"Don't worry, I'm wearing underwear." You assure her. "Would you mind if I stayed the night?"
"I think that would be alright." Karyn says, walking over to you. "And it's probably for the best if Abby actually sees you at some point, or else she might get even more suspicious."
Karyn looks at her nightstand, and panic floods her face.
"Jon, do you have the stone?"
"Right here" you say, holding it up.
"Oh thank god" Karyn sighs. "I almost had a panic attack."
"Here" you hold up the rock "I wish that this rock would be posessed by Karyn or myself at all times, unless we explicitly give permission for someone else to use it."
It glows faintly, and you set it down on the nightstand. Satisfied with your wish, Karyn reaches down and picks up the red pyjama pants from the floor.
"It's weird" she says "I feel like I should cover up, but I guess we're past that?"
Shrugging your shoulders, you reach under Karyn's bedsheets and pull off the boxers. Karyn watches as you toss them across the room.
"That settles it then" she says, dropping the pants and climbing in.
As your best friend in the world reaches across your chest to pull you in for a hug, you feel a lot of things. It's probably going to take some time for you to make sense of all of them.
With Karyn's naked body pressed against you, and her head lying on your chest, you begin to stroke her hair.
"What are we going to do?" She asks you.
"I'm not sure yet." You tell her.
"I'm really scared Jon. We could really mess up. And not cutesy it-gets-better-in-the-end-and-we-all-learned-something kind of mess up, unspeakably awful horror kind of mess up."
"I know. Which is why we're going to be careful."
"We should lay down some rules." Karyn says looking up at you. "But I don't know what they should be yet."
"There's plenty of time to work on that." You say, still running your hand through her hair. "And for now, we just keep our scope small. We're doing alright so far."
She gives a little nod, and looks forward again.
"Of all the people I could have sharing the biggest responsibility in the world with me, I'm glad it's you" you tell her.
"Thanks Jon." She mumbles. It's been a very long day, and you feel sleep dragging at you too.
"I love you."
"I love you too."
And with that, you and Karyn leave the world behind.

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