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5. Well, it's not a restaurant

4. Another Change of Scenery

3. In the kicthen

2. Early the next morning

1. You Are What You Wish

Carelessly Worded Wishes

on 2005-04-03 06:25:27

1619 hits, 69 views, 0 upvotes.

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"I wish that my house wasn't a restaurant."

The stone flashed, and Jon was forced to look away. The sounds of clinking dishes and food cooking abruptly vanished. Satsified, Jon looked back...

...And his mouth fell open in shock.

His house was no longer a restaurant. In fact, it was no longer a house.

To his left, he could see the Tompkin's house, right where it has always been. To his right, there was the Chandler's house. And in between, where his house should have been was a great big vacant lot. Out in front was a real estate sign proclaiming it to be FOR SALE.

My house! My mom! What - what's happened?!? Jon though frantically.

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