"Good... Now... let's see if i can't sort all this out... I Wish.... that Jon wasn't wearing my waitress uniform." Karen said as a light flilled the room, and when it dies out, Karen's name was no longer on the name tag, now it read 'Jon'. Jon looked down at the uniform , shurgged and kept eating his cereal.
"It didn't work," said Karen "why are you still dressed as a waitress?"
"Cause you wished I wasn't wearing YOUR uniform, so now I'm wearing MY uniform." said Jon offhandidly as he finished his cereal.
"Well, we can't let you go around looking like that." Karen said. But before anything could be done, Jon's mother had come into the room.
"Damnit Jon, put your Boobs in and your Wig on... and Damnit... shave your legs! We made a deal, You'd be my 2nd waitress, and you'd earn your keep... oh, Hi Karen... did you come over to take on another shift? We could really use the help today..." Joan asked.
"Uh... sure...." Karen said, not sure what was going on. But Jon's mother left, and now they really had no choice.
"Look, Karen, I have to get ready, and well, you do too, now... lets try and figure this out after shift, OK?" Jon said standing up and smoothing out his skirt.
"Yeah, I guess you're right Jon... but... lets just make this go as smoothly as possible... I wish Jon's Legs were shaved..." and a flash of light and Jon's legs were smooth and pretty. "I wish that Jon and Myself knew everything there was to know about waitressing..." Another flash of light, and Karen and Jon knew that they now knew what they needed to know. "I wish I was dressed in my Uniform..." a flash of light and Karen was wearing a matching uniform to Jon. "And I wish that Jon was wearing his wig and breasts." A flash of light, and Jon had long blonde hair tied in a pony tail, and his uniform was filled as well as Karen's
"Ok, lets get too it Karen." Jon said as they walked downstairs to work...