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57. Duel

56. SAM

55. Frozen

54. expendable

53. Options

52. SAM I AM

51. Gotta Save Mace

50. The real Story

49. waitress at the Bar in the Res

48. Left Hand vs. Right Hand

47. Super Suzie!

46. Continued Message

45. New and Improved Misty

44. Message in a bottle

43. Confusion?

42. Where is the help when you nee

41. Panic Attack

40. Images of War

39. Lets not go there...

38. Enter Suzie


on 2004-05-10 23:45:56

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Misty looked at Sam and Lance dueling, and it was clear that Lance was only playing around. He had however dealt a serious amount of damage to Sam in this manner, but when he unleashed his true power, Sam was done for. Misty stood up and ran toward the console, again noticing how strange it was she effortlessly had walked in the daunting heels she wore. She accessed the console and followed her normal pattern to dealing with this new body. Rather than straining and trying to force herself to use her knowledge, she let it come to her. In three commands, she had uninstalled the patch Lance had installed, reinstalled the Safety guards, and set the system to send all logs to her DVD. As she finished the last command, Lance took notice and flung Sam into the farthest wall. He then began summoning his true form and announced his displeasure with Misty.

"You ungrateful little bitch, I gave you everything, and this is how you repay me! You wanted to be a SAINT, you are one! You wanted unlimited and unimaginable powers! I gave them to you! You wanted to have your girlfriend with you by your side, I gave her to you! I ask you to make one little sacrifice, your pathetic body, and this is how you repay me!" Lancelot in true form proclaimed. He was huge, nearly 10 feet tall, and had the true Almighty Excalibur by his side.

Misty had again been frozen, again not by her choice. She was done for; he would slay her and then undo all she had done. Misty thought with all of her might and summoned the one power she knew would stop him, or at least she hoped it would.

"K-N-I-G-H-T-S-OF-THE-R-O-U-N-D-T-A-B-L-E, I S-U-M-M-O-N YOU TO B-A-T-T-L-E!" Misty shouted, and at once from her body she felt the awesome power of the summon go into effect. As she watched, the room changed into what appeared to be some sort of outer space type look, the black of space with the only light coming from the stars around it. And at once, 10 knights came with their awesome power and slashed through the Lancelot AVATAR. There was no Lancelot in the Summon Spell, as he was before her, but there was an Arthur. She watched in awe as he came forth unarmed. He reached his right hand forward and pulled the Excalibur from Lancelot's grasp. Once Arthur had the sword in his power, he used all of his power to strike Lancelot, causing an immense amount of damage.

With that, the room went back to its normal form, and Lance was again present, no longer in his supper form. He was crouching down in pain, chanting something. Misty again had control of her body and looked to find Sam. He too was in intense pain, and would not survive anything that Lance would use in retaliation to the last attack.

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