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14. Mandy the Stripper

13. Steve the amateur hypnotist

12. Several items at once

11. Touching somethings to the med

10. In his own bed...

9. The police arrive

8. Steve calls the cops

7. Steve steals again

6. Steve stole more than the meda

5. A neigbor down on his luck

4. A knock on the door

3. Barely legal

2. James has a complicated life

1. Altered Fates

Mandy the Stripper

on 2015-07-12 17:45:57

2437 hits, 69 views, 1 upvotes.

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Mandy crawled naked across the stage on her hands and knees, smiling, winking and flirting at the customers who had given her tips as she stripped, and giving a cold, "you want to fuck me but you can't" pout look to the one guy who hadn't tossed out any money as she danced. She picked up the ones, fives, tens and twenty's that littered the stage. She took pride that the fives and tens now out numbered the ones, but she still wanted to see more twenties. It took work convincing all of these guys that they could have her "if" they just tipped her a little bit more generously. She learned quickly that she had to cultivate them and make them want her, make them 'love' her and think that she could be theirs for a price. There was good money on the stage, but she knew the real money was about to be made with the couch dances she was going to be giving until her next set.

She flipped her long, curly red hair back, sensually arching her back as she stood and left the stage with a large stack of bills in one hand and her discarded clothes in the other. She went back to the dressing rooms to put on another outfit, before she would make her rounds to cultivate her next crop of hopefuls and drop hints of favors she would deliver to her existing admirers.

When Mandy entered her small, private dressing room she saw her reflection and was momentarily startled. Whenever she saw her reflection there was always a moment of surprise, like she didn't expect herself to look the way she did, but she could never figure out she was expecting herself to look like. She looked deeply at the reflection of the sexy redhead, with the large breasts and dancers body with it's various tattoos. She looked like she'd always remembered looking. She looked at her tattoos and started to think about where she had gotten them, but she felt another one of her headaches starting. Whenever she thought about her past, she always got headaches, so she instead started getting dressed.

She looked at the wade of cash and couldn't believe how much money she made every night and wondered if she was working in a better club if she could make more. She had only been here two weeks, since she had moved here to start over with only the clothes on her back. She had been so lucky to meet her boyfriend/manager on her first night in town. He had really taken care of her, gave her a place to stay, helped her find the job at the strip club and had even fronted her the money to buy all of her outfits. He was the most amazing man she ever met! When she tried to think of other guys she had dated before him, her headache started to return, so she began reapplying her makeup. There was a knock on the door and the bouncer said her manager was coming it.

"James!" she screamed excitedly as she jumped out of the chair and ran to embrace her boyfriend. Every time she saw him she wanted him so badly! She rubbed her body up against his seductively and moaned with pleasure at being so close to her man. She was so tiny in his massive arms, and when he leaned down to kiss her, she eagerly stood on her tiptoes to kiss him back.

"Hey Mandy, just stopped in to see how things are going and to collect what you've made so far."

Mandy quickly turned and grabbed all the cash she had made for the evening and handed it to James.

"I keep making more and more, night after night." Mandy beamed with pride.

James took the money and started counting it. Mandy was glad James was her agent and was there to collect her money from her. He held all of her money because she knew she was a silly girl and had no head for money. Something about that thought seemed to bother her, but when she would try to think about it, another one of her headaches started.

"Well, I've got a lot of clients out there, so I'd better get out there and do some lap dances." Mandy said heading for the door.

"Mandy, before you go, aren't you forgetting something?" James said as he put the bills in his pocket.

"What's that?" Mandy asked.

James didn't say a word, but instead reached his right hand up to his left ear and pulled his earlobe three times.

"I NEED to give JAMES a blowjob." Popped excitedly into Mandy's head. James was amazing, he was the best and she had to show him. She sauntered up to him and slowly started unbuckling his belt. He didn't try to stop her, but just looked at her hungrily as gave him a wicked smile. As soon as she had free access to his member, she slowly sank down to her knees and took him in her mouth, as she had done so often before.

Twenty minutes later 'James' sat n the back of the club watching Mandy work her charms on the guys in the room. She made her rounds flirting and teasing every guy in the room, giving lap dances, and encouraging all them to believe they had a chance with her. James knew that they didn't and never would. She was his, totally and completely. He had made sure of that. And things were perfect and he was going to see that they stayed that way, especially now that Mandy was making so much money for him. He quit James job today so he could spend all of his time here now. He hoped that the hypnotic compulsions he had given 'Mandy' were permanent, especially since he had used the medallion to give them to her, but since he couldn't be sure, he had to keep an eye on his little 'cash cow'. He certainly didn't want her remembering that she was really the real James, and that he was really Steve. Especially since Mandy gave the best blow jobs he'd ever had.

'Steve' looked up from the back of club to see Mandy stepping out onto the stage as the next song started. She slowly began swinging around a poll and soon bills started fluttering onto the stage. 'Steve' sat back and smiled thinking what a wonderful life he now had.

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