Karyn sat at her desk, waiting for the bell to ring. Science always seemed to last too long, and she had a lot on her mind. Her new breasts where really bugging her, and Jon didn't show up for school. Thoughts of the rock, and concern for Jon flooded her mind. Maybe I should call his house after class...
Just then, Karyn's pager went off. She excitedly pulled it from her pocket and looked at the display, making sure the teacher wasn't paying attention. At first the phone number didn't ring a bell, but she decided to call it anyway. She waited for what seemed like an eternity for the bell to ring. She rocketed out of her seat and flew down the hall. Upon reaching the phones, she was surprised to see one of them free. She inserted her 35 cents, dialed the number and listened.
"Hello?" A husk voice said on the other end.
"Hi, this is Karyn, I just got a page from this number." She replied.
"Thank god! This is Chad, Jon's friend," Oh great, Karyn thought, the stoner guy, "Um, Jon came over today with a magic rock and some bad things...um...occured."
"Like what?" Karyn said, a bit afraid of what the reply would be.
"Oh, we can't really say over the phone, you should come to my place, right now." Chad said.
"Chad, let me talk to Jon." Karyn would rather hear the situation from her good friend.
"Yea, thats gonna be a problem." Chad slowly let out.
"Put him on!" Demanded Karyn.
"Okay...." The line went silent for a moment. "Elo?" A young indian girls voice came over the line.
"Jon? Seriously, stop kidding around, whats going on?" She implored.
"Um...Kuaren, de dis...um..de rook es..es..in de crazy!" The little indian girl continued. The line went silent again and then Chad's voice broke through.
"Karyn, come to my house right now, it is the biggest emergency you can ever think of." With that, the line went silent.
School is boring
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