She suddenly knew that the stone had no power left whatsoever, it didn't even have the enchantments that used to hold that power and allow wishes to be granted!
'It doesn't. It's dead... I guess. Or more like it was never alive... or whatever it was. A rock can't be alive, right?'
'Yeah, so it can't be dead, either.'
Karyn thought about it, 'Unless I wish it alive, and then wish it dead. Then it'd be dead.'
'Please don't.'
Karyn giggled, her mood a bit better now than a few minutes before. 'Okay. So anyway, now what?'
Jon wanted to shrug, but realized that he was nothing but cloth and decided that he really ought to try to break those habits, since they wouldn't do any good anyway. 'Hey, you're the one in charge here. I'm just along for the ride...'
'Oh? So now I'm in charge? Are you sure about that, boss?' She stifled a giggle as a bit more of her good mood came.
'Hardy-har-har. Very funny.'
And so, Karyn decided that she had spent enough time talking to her clothes in the Janitor's closet. She thought, for a moment, that it was odd that she was already thinking of Jon as 'her clothes', but realized that it was to be expected; she'd been wearing clothes and referring to them as her clothes all her life, Jon now being those clothes just meant that her clothes could talk to her... and see... stuff. And feel, mustn't forget feel, not to mention adjust.
Heck! Jon was now very much her favorite thing in the world! First, he was positively comfortable, making him extremely practible. Second he looked good on her (and she knew that she could change this at any time she wanted), so he was good for that. Third, he would change and adjust any time she did, she only had to will it, so he was extremely useable. And fourth he was her best friend so she would never be lonely! This last one, in her mind, was the biggest advantage. Jon would never have to leave her alone... not that he ever had before... but it was nice to know he'd always be there.
With a shrug of her shoulder, doing interesting things to Jon, she walked out into the hall and back to her classroom to think.
Jon's stone had certainly made things a lot more interesting!